EPG for Free to Air US satellite (1 Viewer)


New Member
January 18, 2013
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United States of America United States of America
Hello. I have a free to air satellite system in the US which receives channels from many zip codes. There is no one listing from a cable company to get me EPG info. I currently use WebEPG but Im worried how long imdb.com is going to let people grab EPG info from their site. Is there a titantv option or a pay option that lets you build your own custom lineup that I can pay for (or free of course) to grab a custom lineup for EPG in mediaportal? I did read a titantv thread where you can grab your 30digit auth code if you have hardware licensed for titan. I have no such hardware but am willing to pay for any EPG data. Thanks for any ideas.


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  • January 23, 2008
    South Central Wisconsin
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    United States of America United States of America
    I believe Schedules Direct will allow multiple line-ups. I don't know if the SchedulesDirect plugin allows it, though. Schedules Direct has a $25/yr fee.


    New Member
    January 18, 2013
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    I asked schedules direct and they said they will have an FTA lineup in beta soon. To get all the channels I need I'd need to configure about 50 different lineups and I still probably wouldnt get all the channels. Thanks for the idea though.

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