EventGhostPlus (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
May 18, 2012
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New Zealand New Zealand
Hi guys,

Thanks for your responses.

It turned out that I'd used the default configuration for EventGhost and then added the MCE Remote plugin, a keyboard plugin and others, so I ended having a number of macros defined for the Play button. Once I stripped out all of the unnecessary plugins and got the configuration back to just MCE Remote and MediaPortal the EventGhostPlus plugin started working fine.:)


Luca Brasi

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  • November 14, 2007
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    Anyone seen a issue where there are multiple instances of event ghost spawned on 1.7
    No. But if I remember correctly this was an issue some time ago. It didn't happen when you used the network to call eg. So I went with that. I think the problem with multiple instances was fixed later... Should be in the first couple of pages of this threat.


    Portal Pro
    January 16, 2012
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    No. But if I remember correctly this was an issue some time ago. It didn't happen when you used the network to call eg. So I went with that. I think the problem with multiple instances was fixed later... Should be in the first couple of pages of this threat.

    Yes i fixed that back in the day :)
    But that was only in the configuration though.

    Luca Brasi

    MP Donator
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  • November 14, 2007
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    Oh yeah of course! Really back in the day :) Must have been the '90 or something...


    Portal Member
    September 1, 2004
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    Sweden Sweden
    To begin with. Thanks for a just awesome plugin.
    Although all this awesomeness I can do with this plugin and my home automation I still miss one thing.
    I'm a frequent user of online videos and I would really love to be able to distinguish from what source I'm playing the video.
    As it is now I can only see that online video plugin is started, when I play a video and if it is a long or short video. But I can't see if the video I'm playing is from Youtube or SVT Play.

    Is this possible to add to the eventghostplus plugin or is it impossible due to how online video is built?
    I would also love if it sent an event when I enter a video source in online videos. Just as when I open up online videos to begin with.


    Portal Pro
    January 16, 2012
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Hello Cojo,

    When there is a video started EventGhostPlus will fire an event, in this event is the location of the video added as a payload.
    You can use this payload to identify if it's an online video (HTTP, HTTPS) or youtube (HTTP://xxxxx.youtube.com)

    You need to process the event to be able to use the payload, you can find some info about this earlier in this topic.


    Da BIG One.

    Edit: I found this: https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/threads/eventghostplus.113463/page-6#post-931745
    I think you need some more checks so a single python command won't do, you'll need to create a script to check this with the python script action.

    In this script you can use eg.event.payload[0] variable to string-check information you want (the number of the payload starting with 0)
    You can easlily google for python commands by searching with python in your search. i.e. "python string compare"
    Last edited:


    Portal Member
    September 1, 2004
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    Sweden Sweden
    The problem is that there is no payload that indicates what source in online video that the stream is coming from.
    It doesn't matter if I play a video from eg. Youtube or SVT play, I still get the same event in eventghost.

    TCP.MediaPortal.Long.Video.Play ['', u'http://localhost/OnlineVideo.mp4', u'', u'']


    Portal Pro
    December 9, 2008
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    France France

    I am having some trouble with character set in the UNICODE payload of the message sent to Eventghost: when MP plays a file which name contains extended caracters, the filename in the payload is displayed incorrectly in Eventghost (or sent incorrectly by EventghostPlus: I don't know which must be blamed :-D )

    Example of message received by Eventghost from EventghostPlus:
    TCP.MediaPortal.Music.Play ['', u'\\\\DISQUERESEAU\\Nos documents\\Nos musiques\\Julien Dor?\\Bichon\\06 - Julien Dor? - Laisse Avril.flac', u'Pop/Rock', u'']

    Orignal name of the file being played (see accented characters):
    \\DISQUERESEAU\Nos documents\Nos musiques\Julien Doré\Bichon\06 - Julien Doré - Laisse Avril.flac

    In Pythin script, I tried:
    print eg.event.payload[1]
    print eg.event.payload[1].encode('utf-8');

    They all return the same:
    \\DISQUERESEAU\Nos documents\Nos musiques\Julien Dor?\Bichon\08 - Julien Dor? - Glenn Close.flac

    My knowledge of Python and unicode / character set is quite weak: can anyone help?

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