Experimental TsReader development (8 Viewers)


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  • October 26, 2006
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  • October 28, 2008
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    I have a big issue (solved) on my TV Server (the network was mega slow) transfert from netword files, internet etc was so slow that it start to give me an headhache lol.
    but that not the point, now all is ok but when i have this issue client have a mega super stutter and more like a freeze TV and i get a crash in TsReader.ax (0xc500000 or 0x00000c5) it was on release version and then i didn't get the callstack.

    It was based on 59c or higher.

    Now that network issue is solve, ofc no crash anymore, but i would like to mention it :)

    Was this single-seat or RTSP/UNC ?

    Was it possibly 0xC0000005 (access violation) ?



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  • November 12, 2007
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    Hey Tony,
    it was multiseat with default setting (shame on me, i didn't know how to see if i'm using RTSP/UNC) :)
    Maybe an access violation yes 100% sure :) it was 0xC0000005 in TsReader but happen because of the mega slow network.
    Too bad i didn't keep log :(


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  • September 8, 2011
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    I had a case of live video freezing the other night - of course typically it was 15 minutes before Eurovision and I had a bunch of friends around to watch it, so I had no time or inclination to start debugging it and I ended up yanking the aerial out of the HTPC and just using the TV normally :(

    And of course the day after when I replugged in the HTPC to have a look at it, it worked absolutely perfectly and has been fine since.

    I've attached the TsReader log for the time but sadly I don't have any other ones, they appear to have been rotated away already. If it happens again I'll get a complete snap of the log directory.

    This is using NoStopMod55 as can be seen in the log, hopefully it's some use - or might this have been fixed already in one of the newer ones?


    • TsReader-2012-05-26.zip
      4 KB


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  • October 28, 2008
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    I suspect you have probably suffered from another variation on the 'UNC paths' hang problem - no one has ever been able to track down what causes it (occasionally) - or the network connection has dropped out etc.

    (TsReader was unable to read any more data from the timeshift buffer file on the server, basically)



    Portal Pro
    February 12, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I just had a couple of instances of freezing/stuttering whilst watching TV from approx 00:41 to 00:54.

    First time I've seen this in a while and certainly the first with 59c.


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  • January 7, 2005
    I just had a couple of instances of freezing/stuttering whilst watching TV from approx 00:41 to 00:54.

    First time I've seen this in a while and certainly the first with 59c.

    Bad signal or some other non-TsReader caused issue:

    30-05-2012 00:48:22.084 [1f98]Demux : Video to render 1.130 Sec
    30-05-2012 00:48:22.085 [1f98]Video Continuity error... 2 ( prev 7 )
    30-05-2012 00:48:22.086 [1f98]Audio Continuity error... e ( prev 8 )
    30-05-2012 00:48:22.179 [17d8]audPin: Set discontinuity L:0 B:1 fTime:1.066 SampCnt:989
    30-05-2012 00:48:22.254 [1894]vidPin: Set discontinuity L:0 B:1 fTime:1.520 SampCnt:2976
    30-05-2012 00:48:22.329 [1f98]Demux : Video to render 1.125 Sec
    30-05-2012 00:48:22.330 [1f98]Demux : Audio to render 0.394 Sec
    30-05-2012 00:51:52.364 [1f98]Video Continuity error... 0 ( prev 6 )
    30-05-2012 00:51:52.366 [1f98]Audio Continuity error... 5 ( prev 8 )
    30-05-2012 00:51:52.369 [1f98]Video Continuity error... a ( prev f )
    30-05-2012 00:51:52.370 [1f98]Audio Continuity error... 9 ( prev a )
    30-05-2012 00:51:52.842 [17d8]audPin: Set discontinuity L:0 B:1 fTime:0.623 SampCnt:2740
    30-05-2012 00:51:52.909 [1894]vidPin: Set discontinuity L:0 B:1 fTime:0.966 SampCnt:8231


    Portal Pro
    February 12, 2008
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Ok, thanks. Apart from bad signal, what non-TsReader issues could cause this?


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France

    I was thinking @ slow network / slow hdd / busy PC or something like that :)


    Portal Pro
    February 12, 2008
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom

    I was thinking @ slow network / slow hdd / busy PC or something like that :)

    I'm not sure about that as I use a single-seat with the loopback adapter (so the network shouldn't be an issue), the timeshift files are on RAM disk (so the HDD shouldn't be an issue) and I wasn't running anything else at the time (there are some apps that load with Windows but I don't think I've got any of them set to check for updates automatically or anything like that, so they shouldn't have been actively doing anything).

    So I guess it may just have been a bad signal glitch.

    Had another wierd problem this afternoon that I've not seen before though. When I got home, around 17:14 I resumed my PC from standby and when I tried to start TV, I got sound but a black picture. I tried stopping and restarting the channel but the same thing happened, so I closed MP and restarted it and then it worked normally. The attached logs should show this in the .bak files as the .log files will be from when I restarted it and it worked normally.

    There also seems to be some tearing on the picture (a sort of ripple in the picture, like you see playing games with v-sync disabled) which I've not noticed before either. I only noticed this with Home and Away which started at 18:00, although I couldn't pinpoint the exact times I saw the tearing I'm afraid.

    I wonder if it might be possible to have a "collect logs" shortcut in MP itself sometime, as currently I have to boot my other PC, RDP or VNC in to my HTPC and run the logs collecter, which isn't always convenient, like when I've just got in and am knackered ;) So being able to do it from within MP would mean I could make a log zip (or zips in the case of multiple/recurring problems) straight after seeing a problem from my armchair, to be uploaded later.

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