export moving-pictures database, and import in MP (1 Viewer)


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  • June 27, 2008
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    You realise you can make it better, instead of whining like a little kid?

    You also realise that people are giving up their free time to make these brilliant plugins and insulting their work certainly isn't going to encourage them to continue developing these things for free for the benefit of everybody?

    You also realise that the plugin is very new and still very much in development?

    And, in my opinion, with Ryan's skin for indigo and creating (and sharing) some of my own coverart I now have something that looks really impressive.

    Exactly mortstar if you would take some time to look around you just might find something

    thanks for the comment about the skin :D


    Portal Pro
    May 21, 2008
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    Israel Israel
    wow, someone here is sensitive...

    "whining like a little kid" ?
    I'm not "whining", I'm pointing out important things that are missing in the plugin, and trying to find solutions.

    Yes, I know I could make it better, but too bad that I can't because I have no relevant knowledge for this.
    My participation in open-source communities in my area-of-knowledge (mostly PHP web developing) is not insignificant at all.
    So please, spare me the melodrama and your waspishness.


    MP Donator
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  • January 30, 2008
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    wow, someone here is sensitive...

    "whining like a little kid" ?
    I'm not "whining", I'm pointing out important things that are missing in the plugin, and trying to find solutions.

    Yes, I know I could make it better, but too bad that I can't because I have no relevant knowledge for this.
    My participation in open-source communities in my area-of-knowledge (mostly PHP web developing) is not insignificant at all.
    So please, spare me the melodrama and your waspishness.

    I think the important point is, unless your criticism is constructive, keep it to yourself.

    The way you expressed your 'fault finding' was hardly helpful:
    The front-end looks like nobody never cared about it..

    The information is freely available as to how the plugin is being developed, it's not a giant secret with no interaction from the developers. They even provide a fantastic google-code page which is constantly updating so you know exactly how the project is progressing and exactly what features are being developed, for the both the back and front end engines. This is very far from looking like "nobody never cared about it" [sic] - in fact it's one of the most 'professionally' developed plugins on MediaPortal.


    Portal Pro
    May 21, 2008
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    Israel Israel
    That is all very nice, but the bottom line is that the entire front end looks like its code is summed up to something like this:

    for ($movies as $movie)
    echo '$movie' . '<br>';

    again, I'm not "whining" [sic], I'm just saying my opinion. If you don't like it, you are free to ignore it.


    MP Donator
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  • January 30, 2008
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    again, I'm not "whining" [sic], I'm just saying my opinion. If you don't like it, you are free to ignore it.

    Usage of sic
    invariably bracketed and usually set in italics, is used to indicate that a preceding word or phrase in a quoted passage is reproduced as it appeared in the original passage. Sic at its best is intended to aid readers who might be confused about whether the quoter or the quoted writer is responsible for the spelling or grammatical anomaly.

    whining - whine: Definition, Synonyms from Answers.com - not a spelling error so no need for the usage of sic.

    "nobody never cared about it" [sic] - You are trying to say that the frontend has had no attention, however, your use of the double negative produces a sentence that when read literally means the opposite to that.


    Community Plugin Dev
    June 7, 2007
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    That is all very nice, but the bottom line is that the entire front end looks like its code is summed up to something like this:

    for ($movies as $movie)
    echo '$movie' . '<br>';

    again, I'm not "whining" [sic], I'm just saying my opinion. If you don't like it, you are free to ignore it.

    It takes more work than you think. The existing GUI implementation consists of much more than a simple for loop (!!). Currently all together, only GUI rendering code takes up about 1500 lines. You can see the main class here (although this is not all the GUI code, it's broken down into a few other classes as well). There is just a lot to it though.

    And then of course you have all the back end code. You act as if the front end and the back end are totally separate. They are tightly bound and a good design on the back end means cleaner and more easily maintained code on the front end. Meaning as time progresses, new enhancements can be integrated more easily and bugs can be fixed more quickly.

    When it comes down to it though omriamos, the plug-in is still in Beta. It is not feature complete. The very first alpha was released only two months ago. But it all takes time. I have been developing the plug-in off and on for almost a year now (I pretty much started last December). It's just a lot of work. So yeah, we haven't gotten to custom filtering or sorting, but I feel like we are doing pretty good so far, especially considering we are only two months out from our first alpha release.

    Filtering and Sorting are coming a version or two down the road, but we are not there yet. We have to prioritize. As for the original question of the thread, the movie data imported via Moving Pictures is stored in a SQLite database, which means it's not as simple as pulling from a text file. Some kind of code would need to be written to import into MyVideos. I'd rather attract users than send them away, :p but if someone else were to work on something like this I would give them my input.

    And guys please stop bickering. I am only going to ask once.


    Portal Pro
    April 21, 2007
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    Norway Norway
    That is all very nice, but the bottom line is that the entire front end looks like its code is summed up to something like this:

    for ($movies as $movie)
    echo '$movie' . '<br>';

    again, I'm not "whining" [sic], I'm just saying my opinion. If you don't like it, you are free to ignore it.

    Yeah you're whining.

    Anywho, if you need filters, just use the default MP movie DB or myfilms. And I can't for the love of me figure out whats so bad about the frontend? It's allready better then any other plugin in MP, pulling metadata/fanart/covers. The layout comes down to prefference, and you can edit that xml with common sence. Filtering is coming, but do you not know what an Alpha is?

    Blah I just get so upset when people can't say stuff in a helpfull way.


    Ok I'm done fforde :) Looking forward to 0.6 =)


    Portal Pro
    May 21, 2008
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    Israel Israel
    jesus, what a bunch of whining kids.
    fforde is the only one here that seems to pass age 12.

    I'm outta here, keep telling yourself that you're the best and everyone else just whining! :)


    Portal Pro
    April 21, 2007
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    Lol. Who's the whining/ungratefull/rude kid?

    The only way you can make a wall better by knocking it down is when you actually have the skill to rebuild it better then the original. You clearly can't, so try to help instead of beeing a baby?

    Normally I just ignore posts like yours, but I guess sometimes the 15 year old punks acting like they're 8 get to you.

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