FanArt Not Displaying (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
February 10, 2009
I have two problems

1/ Ever since changing from blueWide to StreamedMP (v0.7.409) fanart has not worked. Fanart is enabled in the options but in the error logs it says cannot find fanart. I tried going back to blue3wide and it now doesn't display fanart in that either! Where would have blue3wide kept the fanart ?and where should I move it to? or any other suggestions?

2/ When I first installed TVSeries I accidentally used v2.2.3367 even though I am running MediaPortal . I relised my mistake after I ran into a few errors, So I downgraded to v2.1.3331 . However now I'm running into more problems, I cannot change Layout (stuck on list) when I try nothing happens, also nothing happens when I click options in the GUI. Does anyone have any ideas? If not is there a way I can totally Uninstall TvSeries and I can start from scratch?

Thanks in advance!


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  • June 10, 2007
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    You should delete your database whenever you rollback...this holds all the settings of the plugin, so removing this might fix your problem.


    Portal Member
    February 10, 2009
    Hi Thanks for the reply,
    I have just deleted the database using SQL management studio Express , it hasn't fixed the problem, Weird thing is non of the data was lost, i.e. I didn't have to rescan any of my shares. I'm wondering are there other files that I would also have to delete?


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • June 10, 2007
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    you need to delete TVSeriesDatabase4.db3, sounds like you deleted the wrong one.


    Portal Member
    February 10, 2009
    Sorry I was using the wrong terms in the above post, it's not switch view i'm having trouble with it's Change Layout

    I have now deleted that file and It now rescaned all my saves, but it still not letting me change layout and still no fanart.

    When I do a scan is it meant to download fanart aswell?
    What is the directory that the fanart goes into (so i can manually put something in there see if that works)
    I can change the layout if i'm running the Blue3wide skin, so maybe it's something more to do with streamedMP

    Sorry to be such a pain but it's really helping!


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • June 10, 2007
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    Australia Australia
    TVSeries 2.1 doesnt support changing of layouts from within the GUI, it also doesnt support auto downloading of fanart.

    You can use 2.2, but you will also need MP 1.0.1 SVN.

    To change the layouts in 2.1, you need to open the TVSeries.SkinSettings.xml file and edit it there. To download fanart manually in 2.1/2.2, invoke the menu on a series while in the GUI and select Fanart.

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