In Deutsch kann ich es einfach besser ausdrücken und Morpheus versteht mich ja
Vielen Dank für den tollen Job Morpheus - finde es ja schon fast traurig das hier keiner
zu Wort meldet - von daher hier von meiner Seite aus ein ganz dickes
After installing the Version from - the Fix from Morpheus works on my MediaCenter.
But there is one new problem.
the tvprogramm gets stuck after 10-30 seconds over and over again and the Screen freezes for a few seconds. Then the TVprogramm continued for few seconds and then freezes again....and again and again
Thumbs up morpheus for pushing this forward! First of all, I don't know what you've changed but with this test build my TT-C1501 with SmarDTV CAM recognizes the cam and is able to descramble encrypted channels. TVE3 1.0 was unable to do this. IsCamReady and IsCamPresent returned false all the time.
Didn't get those CI menus visible though. I'm using TT driver version under Vista SP1. Installed VC++ runtime & DX Nov 2008 bits. Attached are the logs of the testing session.
I will volunteer for any further testing with TT cards if needed. Luckily I have another box here which I can play with without disastrous effect on WAF. Family box will remain 1.0 until official updates