1. MP searches covers from Amazon.com (which I think don't work - I didn't test that but but my opinion is that this method fails)
2. MP searches covers from hxxp://www.impawards.com through google which currently works partially (method takes only strict link from page like:
which means link must be EXACTLY like:
and this fails in many occasions especially in case of foreign movies like [rec] because the link is then like hxxp://www.impawards.com/intl/Spain/..... and this automatically fails
Next in this method is conflict between IMDB and impawards concerning movie names and years:
(in your example: Frequently asked question about time travel - IMDB,
FAQ about time travel - impawards)
As I lookin now into MP code I think it only passes Movie title, not year:
IMPawardsSearch impSearch = new IMPawardsSearch();
so this can lead to wrong result (IE Alien from Ridley Scott gives Alien Tresspass cover --->absolute heresy , in case that MP pass year than cover will be OK ) just try Alien without movie year with Old method from Test app.
Year can be good filter, but sometimes can fail in case of year conflict, so this is catch 22
Movies or cartoons from TV doesn't have covers (like that short Madagascar cartoon).
Many covers doesn't exists on impawards but exists on IMDB (this is a place where IMDB beats impawards, but impawards beats IMDB in cover alternate design -->more covers for the same movie) so it will be a good idea to look for covers also on IMDB (like Moving Pictures) but that is what I can't do now 'cause I'm missing IMDB link for movie (cover can be easily grabbed when searching movies on IMDB but that can't be done easily without messing the Core.dll->Heart of MP1)
Just try little test application and you will see. For IMDB movie search you need 3 libraries from root of MP:
or just copy it to MP root directory and execute. It will not mess up your movie database or anything within MP, just helps you to see the results of searching (Movie search is a new method - for covers you can test both). Lets say it's visual interpretation how MP search movies and covers.
See that's what I'm talking about, default cover serach must be IMDB 'cause cover exists there, but not on impawards (as you can see on google page), and impaward can be nice addition for more covers so "no miss" new logic should be:
1. Try to find cover on IMDB - if it's there use it as default for movie, then get all you can from impawards for extra covers if user don't like that one from IMDB
2. If IMDB fails, get what you can from impawards
3. No cover
And that catch 22 my idea was to use year to filter results by Year, so if year from IMDB is not equal as on impawards then no results (I upload new TEST with that option), just try:
Underworld (without year and filter check) - you will get tons of covers (wrong or right)
Underworld 2003 (without filter check) - more or less same result
Underworld 2003 (with filter checked) - result is wonderful
but then change year, lets say, to 2004 (with filter checked) - no cover
I found some films with year mismatch on IMDB and impawards (The Descent, on IMDB is 2005, IMPAWARDS is 2006) so this can lead to empty covers
For the script I can't do more for now - I repaired everything I could, maybe now is more results and auto approved conflicts but no movie can escape and it can be found from the list if it's not auto-approved-just don't use extension like DVRip R5 and like because IMDB doesn't like that .
For covers I need to download all source code of MP to trace whats happening there when you press "Scan" so to see what can be easily changed but that will take a little time but I will try that because I don't use Moving Pictures and depending on My Movies (the plugin is good but for my needs it's overkill and I don't like auto-multi-genre function from Moving Pictures -->to see one movie in 10 places just because it's action-comedy-war-thriller blah blah...)
Yep, appreciate the limitations regarding going deeper, we need to get a Dev involved, that ain't going to happen in the next couple of days as all our windows installers are burning
Deda, if you think that is the best that can be done with the script, I can get it looked and tested by a broader band within the Team, sorry if this seems a bit low priority atm, but we have got our hands full witth the resources available for getting RC2 on the road.