For The Record 1.3.3 Released (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
January 30, 2006
Home Country
Belgium Belgium
A little off-topic but I had to make a post about this. I am looking at the screen shots and everything looks AMAZING! And then there is the screen shot with the on screen keyboard...somebody please make this skinable or just replace the original key-images, it just makes a perfect looking system less perfect!


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Portal Pro
January 11, 2008
Home Country
Germany Germany
Let's see what I can answer :)
Basically this completely replaces the current TV parts of MP?
It provides all the current features of the standard TV Part? (Conflict resolution/notification, recorded TV, scheduled recordings etc)
Yes, but only for 4TR. Recordings made with MP can't be watched inside MyTV anymore, since it is not inside the 4TR-DB. You'll have to use MyVideo. Recordings can be scheduled via Guide or search-function, Conflicts can be resolved, all inside the MP-Gui. Scheduling over the Management Console or Web offers a bit more options, like search for actors.

Can import xmltv xml file automatically when detected? ala TV3 Server? is the guide database seperate to the current MP one? or does it read from the MP one?
You can import the Guide from MP. But recommended is to drop the tvxml-File into an import-directory. 4TR will grap and import it automatic.

Anything in standard MP thats missing from 4therecord? Do you take the basic version and add to it? (thus taking on any improvements in the base plugin?)
Nothing I'm aware. But don't know what you mean with basic version.

Can automatically launch comskip (i assume so).
Can pick up comskip files for existing recordings?
Both yes.

I use 4TR from the beginning, don't wanna miss it anymore. :)

One example: I recordet Dr. House, as an error of Windows occured (one of the once-in-a-lifetime-don't-know-what-it-is--stupid-windows-error). The recording was not complete, a few minutes from ending was lost. 4TR now scheduled automatic a repeat in the night, and recordet it again.


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  • February 1, 2007
    The Sauce of Worcester
    Home Country
    Wales Wales
    OK - more questions :D (i know, i know, im annoying!)

    Can I have a different recording folder for each genre (or at least the film genre)? Basically I want any film's to go into a film directory with a name such as "FILMNAME (YEAR)" (so IMDB searching works nicely). Then in a perfect world I want any films automatically added to MyVideos :) (I guess thats not possible).

    Anything else can be considered TV and be placed somewhere else.


    other things I thought of:

    as this can automatically schedule recordings, is there a way to specify how many tuners it can use? i.e. I always want someone to be able to watch live tv, so i would not want 4threcord to schedule and start recording loads of programs and use up all the available tuners. So i'd like to say "use only 2", or " always leave 1 spare" etc! Or maybe be able to specify exacltly which tuners can be used.


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  • December 15, 2006
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I seem to remember you saying in an old post that 1.3 would support master/slave tv-servers, I don't see any mention in the features list so did it make it in?



    Portal Pro
    June 13, 2006
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium
    I seem to remember you saying in an old post that 1.3 would support master/slave tv-servers, I don't see any mention in the features list so did it make it in?
    Yes! It's not mentioned because this was already possible with version 1.2.1 as long as you manually changed the service account.

    But now in version 1.3 you can set the account credentials during setup, so it's super-easy to use more than one TV Server. Just set up the recording shares correctly, all the rest is handled by For The Record itself.


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  • December 15, 2006
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    That's awesome and something I've been wanting in MP for a while, but obviously was postponed for the v1.0 release.

    I'm also assuming then that because 1.3 has live tv support it will automatically tune to whichever tv-server has that particular channel? i.e. it will seamlessly switch between tv-servers as needed without me needing to do anything.



    Portal Pro
    June 13, 2006
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium
    I'm also assuming then that because 1.3 has live tv support it will automatically tune to whichever tv-server has that particular channel? i.e. it will seamlessly switch between tv-servers as needed without me needing to do anything.
    Short answer: yes.


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  • February 1, 2007
    The Sauce of Worcester
    Home Country
    Wales Wales
    I've been reading through the 4therecord forums, and through these forums - and cant find if this is still the case or not - but is it possible to map the guide button on a mce remote directly to the 4therecord guide? (seems like this may not be possible)?


    Portal Pro
    June 13, 2006
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium
    I've been reading through the 4therecord forums, and through these forums - and cant find if this is still the case or not - but is it possible to map the guide button on a mce remote directly to the 4therecord guide? (seems like this may not be possible)?
    Version 1.3 completely replaces the My TV screens now, so all remote buttons will do what you expect them to do, don't worry :)

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