For The Record 1.6 (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
June 13, 2006
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Belgium Belgium
Card allocation is done on basis of priority, so it's indeed possible you, as a human, can figure out some more funky way of allocating the cards and get more out of the recordings.

In that respect I'd like to point out you can change the priority of a single upcoming recording through the Management Console. That way you can intervene and so to speak "tweak" the card allocation beforehand and see if you can get a better result out of it. Give it a try perhaps?


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  • January 26, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Must say 1.4 is a great success for me.

    One thing I have found and its been the same through 2 fresh installs of MediaPortal and then 4TR is that the skipping fwd (eg 15s, 30s, 1 min etc) seems hugely faster when 4TR is installed.

    With just a plain install of MP there is a slight pause for a period whilst MP seems to find the time slot in the recordded/buffered TV ... but with 4TR installed its almost instantenous.


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  • August 18, 2007
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    Spain Spain
    im having some trouble getting fortherecord 1.4 to work with mediaportal 1.1.0 alpha.

    i got it to work yesterday but today no luck.

    anyone else having problem or is it just me?

    p.d. just talking about tv recording, not the mp tvplugin. im getting (cant find tuner card) but epg and rest is working.


    Portal Pro
    November 14, 2005
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    dvdfreak, thanks for the comments i'm going to try setting the analog card with its single mapped channel as the highest priority and see if that makes a difference.

    Any possibility of including web based radio streams in the future?


    Portal Pro
    July 7, 2008
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    After a little gentle coaxing I've got this working when all is awake - BUT, I can't get the HTPC to wake from S3 sleep for a scheduled recording.

    Latest stable version of both programs installed - can anyone point me in the right direction to the config to wake and sleep ?

    e.g S3 Sleep > Wake > Record Start > Record End > S3 Sleep

    Thanks !



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  • August 18, 2007
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    Spain Spain
    is it possible to remove fortherecord web interface username and password after installing or do i need to reinstall?


    Portal Pro
    June 13, 2006
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium
    is it possible to remove fortherecord web interface username and password after installing or do i need to reinstall?
    No need to reinstall, simply edit the Web.config file in the Web Access installation directory.

    im having some trouble getting fortherecord 1.4 to work with mediaportal 1.1.0 alpha.

    i got it to work yesterday but today no luck.
    We'd need to try the 1.1 alpha ourselves to see if there where any API changes that affect For The Record. After all, it's only an alpha version, so give us some time :) We'll definitely support MediaPortal 1.1!

    Any possibility of including web based radio streams in the future?
    Yes, definitely, but we have limited resources, so right now it's only still on the list of things to look at.


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 18, 2007
    Home Country
    Spain Spain
    is it possible to remove fortherecord web interface username and password after installing or do i need to reinstall?
    No need to reinstall, simply edit the Web.config file in the Web Access installation directory.

    im having some trouble getting fortherecord 1.4 to work with mediaportal 1.1.0 alpha.

    i got it to work yesterday but today no luck.
    We'd need to try the 1.1 alpha ourselves to see if there where any API changes that affect For The Record. After all, it's only an alpha version, so give us some time :) We'll definitely support MediaPortal 1.1!

    Any possibility of including web based radio streams in the future?
    Yes, definitely, but we have limited resources, so right now it's only still on the list of things to look at.

    thanks for the password answer, it worked. i think including such option in the gui would be a good idea.

    in the mean time, anyone else wanting to do this, you must edit this part of the file

          <setting name="AuthenticationEnabled" serializeAs="String">
            <!-- Set to False to disable authentication (not recommended unless you use IIS authentication) -->

    i managed to make it work with 1.1alpha, i know its a test version, so no hurries at all.


    Portal Pro
    July 7, 2008
    Home Country
    Is it possible, and if so is there an idiots guide, to converting the .TS into a DIVX compressed .AVI (replacing the .TS) ?



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