FTP/website for additional software for working MP (2 Viewers)



make a page update with following files:

System section:

- PSTools 2.14

- Bootskin 1.05

- Winrar 3.52b

Codec section:

- Quicktime alternate 1.44

- Realtime alternate 1.35

- VP 6.2

EPG section:

- nxtvepg-2.7.5

LCD section:

- LCD Hype 0.40

To all developers, programmers and users:

When u have some new plugins, addons or something like that, please send me that, maybe with a little description and link how its possible.

It will helps some other users to get MP runs fine without problems.

To all MP fan/board/help site owners:

Please sent me a little logo, so I will put it on my site, like MP, mymediaportal and Harley's skin site. It's free ;)

Thx for help to all :D

nice weekend with MediaPortal


Dutch TV logos

I added today the dutch tv logos, sent by TheVideoViking.

thx a lot to him for help :D

think also other country's will find some useful ogos inside the package ;)

u will find that at the epg section.

hf to all


New Domain and Page

I make now a new page and a new domain, u will find that at www.htpc-center.ch / www.htpc-center.de / www.htpc-center.com. The old link www.electronic-sport.ch/mymediaportal is also working. The new page is in german, but in the next few days its also available in english and french.

I have in the past a lot of users on the downloadpage, so I do this step. Another reason is, in switzerland is no htpc page on the net, so I think, thats a good idea, to make a page like this.

The page is not finish at the moment, I work on additional modules and update this in the next time. For ideas about the page, send me a email or post ur comments in the htpc-center board. Thx.
Big thx goes to high from myshare.de for helping me, to make this page :D

And to all webmaster's from other MP and htpc site's, plz update the old link on ur pages to the new one. I see, my page is on a lot of homepage around the world. Thx for helping.

The next part is for swiss and german users from this board, so I write in german. ;)

Ich suche noch einige Moderatoren fürs Forum, vorzugsweise aus der Schweiz, die wenn möglich englisch, italienisch und französisch verstehen und schreiben können, falls nötig.
Ihr solltet wenn möglich die Zeit aufwenden können, die es braucht, um täglich, wenn auch nicht am Anfang, ins Forum schauen zu können. Weiter suche ich auch noch Newsredakteure, die bereit sind, auf "Newsjagd" im Netz zu gehen, vorallem im Bereich HTPC aber auch Software und Treiberupdates. Ich werde den Downloadbereich bzw die Page demenstprechend ausbauen.

Das Thema HTPC ist noch recht jung und nach meinen Recherchen ist in der Schweiz auch noch keine Page in dieser Art online. Wenn jemand Ahnung hat von Searchengineeintragung auf google usw, der ist herzlich willkommen ;)

Ich hoffe, dass der eine oder andere Schweizer hier im Board Interesse hat, an einem solchen Projekt mitzuarbeiten. Die Hauptarbeit liegt sicher bei mir, bin aber um jede Hilfe dankbar. Ich denke, ich habe vorerst alles gesagt. Falls Fragen oder Anregungen da sind, schreibt eine Mail.

Besten Dank.


New Member
January 29, 2005
Columbus, Ohio
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United States of America United States of America
Crash's links appear dead.

As for an all-in-one installer, the next time I make an nLite install disk, I'll see what I can slip-steam in. This might just be doable, similar to myths Knoppmyth distro!


Portal Pro
January 26, 2005
Home Country
Germany Germany
That's obsolete, as we got a download section on our homepage now. That's why Crash shut his service down.


  • Team MediaPortal
  • December 21, 2005
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    There are many stickyes that should be removed, as they are outdated....

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