Goodbye MediaPortal (3 Viewers)


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  • April 12, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    I wouldn't enjoy my HTPC as much if I didn't have to fiddle with it :D
    Sure it takes up some time, but there's great community support and you learn new things all the time. I don't understand why someone would take the time to create an account just to say goodbye. By asking you have the knowlegde of so many users here ... shame. If you want an out of the box / no config solution, get a NMT ... but where's the fun in that?


    MP Donator
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  • October 29, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    Attention: Horrible english follows :D

    I love MP forever. Last month i installed a digital hdd receiver for a customer and it was so limitated and boring. The great possibilities and flexibility of MP i will never miss. It is worth every hour i spent with it to get that perfectly running great System i have now. People that are visiting us home get hughe eyes when i show MP to them. Dozen of visitors asked me to build them a HTPC and for some i will do this when i have time for that!

    Now its running all perfect and i know MP very good and i am a little bit sad, cause the funny hours of fiddeling and trying and experimenting are gone now ;)

    I think it will never be possibly to build a HTPC, installing OS, Drivers, Codecs and MP and its running at once perfectly. The complexity of system and relationships of Software/Hardware/MP/Codecs etc is too high. One has to be a little freaky to get a perfect system for me it was and is pure fun.

    Last i want to thank Devs for this great pice of Software and the frinedly and competent community here in Forum.

    Have nice easter all // Cress


    MP Donator
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  • January 19, 2009
    Earth, for now
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    I gave up on the TV part too and am currently using dvbviewer. In my opinion, tvserver is a great idea but it just needs tweaking so it could work as advertised. It's too unstable.
    I don't blame team mediaportal for that, when you think of it, it's amazing that it works as there is an infinite number of possible setups out there.
    And all of you asking why it stutters, why this and why that, the answer is: IT'S BUILT ON WINDOWS!

    I too finally gave up on the TV part of MP and I purchased dvbviewer. I think that the combination of both of them works best for me in what I want.


    Portal Pro
    August 14, 2007
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I consider myself fairly competent computer-wise, but with SQL databases and TV Service not running problems and finding no relavent help on the mediaportal forums

    Is this a wind up?

    Your first post is to say goodbye? My first post would be my logs and "can someone help".

    Competent my arse.


    Portal Pro
    May 7, 2006
    Home Country
    England England
    I consider myself fairly competent computer-wise, but with SQL databases and TV Service not running problems and finding no relavent help on the mediaportal forums

    Is this a wind up?

    Your first post is to say goodbye? My first post would be my logs and "can someone help".

    Competent my arse.
    Totally agree. Of course it is a wind up. You've just got to look at OP username.


    Portal Pro
    March 23, 2008
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    Dam mediaportal is good when your setup!
    Online video plugin is great!
    Moving Pictures is awsome!
    tweaked it so I can go back to windows easily.
    How good is the TV server - continuous recording - left my pc on last night downloading and didn't realise I was also recording - got to watch a whole nights worth of telly on time shift :)

    Is there any other cool plugs? - I like scrobler and - havn't got shoutcast up yet though.

    ...O I also can't get a sattalite image working for weather.
    Want to use


    Portal Pro
    March 23, 2008
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    yeah I know - I was just trying to promote it as a great product :)


    Portal Member
    April 4, 2009
    My first post on these forums - just like the author of this thread. Only difference is a working Mediaportal HTPC in my livingroom including TV.

    It hasnt been easy though, a lot of initial problems (damn you Hauppauge HVR-4000!), a lot of tweaking and so on. These forums have been an immense help - I havent posted before now but reading through posts have almost always given me an idea of a solution or at least where to start looking for one.

    If you expect an open source media center application with as many features and opportunities as Mediaportal to be a walk in the park to set up, perhaps MCE is a better choice!

    Thank you for an excellent program. :)

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