[solved] GUI Toggle Watched Event (2 Viewers)


MP Donator
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  • July 3, 2011
    Hey guys.

    i want to extend the WatchedSynronizer Plugin and looking for a toggle watched event for moving pictures.
    In mptvseries it like that:

    using WindowPlugins.GUITVSeries;
    TVSeriesPlugin.ToggleWatched += new TVSeriesPlugin.ToggleWatchedEventDelegate(OnTVSeriesToggledWatched);
    private void OnTVSeriesToggledWatched(DBSeries objSeries, List<DBEpisode> lstDBEpisodes, bool bolWatched)

    is there anything similar in MovingPictures?



    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • July 3, 2011

    have searched throught the source code and didnt found any event like there is one in mptvseries.
    Tried to implement it and built v1.8 from svn tag. I can compile it but when ir loads in Mediaportal there is an error:

    [2015-02-01 21:49:37,833] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [INFO ] - PluginManager: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\windows\MovingPictures.dll' file version:
    [2015-02-01 21:49:37,843] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [INFO ] - PluginManager: Plugin file MovingPictures.dll is broken or incompatible with the current MediaPortal version and won't be loaded!
    [2015-02-01 21:49:37,844] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [INFO ] - PluginManager: Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Die Datei oder Assembly "CookComputing.XmlRpcV2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a7d6e17aa302004d" oder eine Abhängigkeit davon wurde nicht gefunden. Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.
    Dateiname: "CookComputing.XmlRpcV2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a7d6e17aa302004d"
       bei System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.GetExportedTypes(RuntimeAssembly assembly, ObjectHandleOnStack retTypes)
       bei System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.GetExportedTypes()
       bei MediaPortal.GUI.Library.PluginManager.LoadWindowPlugin(String strFile)
    WRN: Protokollierung der Assemblybindung ist AUS.
    Sie können die Protokollierung der Assemblybindungsfehler aktivieren, indem Sie den Registrierungswert [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) auf 1 festlegen.
    Hinweis: Die Protokollierung der Assemblybindungsfehler führt zu einer gewissen Leistungseinbuße.
    Sie können dieses Feature deaktivieren, indem Sie den Registrierungswert [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] entfernen.
    [2015-02-01 21:49:37,844] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [DEBUG] - PluginManager: End loading '\windows\MovingPictures.dll' (16,0149 ms running time)

    i have attached my patch for the needed event.
    Can anybody please provide me an test build with the patch merged?



    • MovingPicturesGUI.cs.patch
      1.1 KB


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • July 3, 2011
    It works now. I had to run "merge.bat" in the output directory.
    Now my MovingPictures.dll is running and the event is working ;)
    My development version of WatchedSyncronizer receives the toggle watchedstate event from the MovingPictures GUI.

    [2015-02-01 22:24:26,021] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [DEBUG] - WatchedSynchronizer: OnMovingPicturesToggledWatched: The Watched Status for file '\\MEDIASERVER\Videos\Movies\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.mkv' was toggled to 'True',

    @ltfearme: Is it possible that my patch from the previous post wil be merged into the next MovingPictures Version?


    PS: Attached a patched MovingPictures.dll version


    • MovingPictures_1.8.0.1613_watchedToggle_event.zip
      497.2 KB
    Last edited:


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • June 10, 2007
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    Australia Australia
    It already has support for this:
    MovingPicturesCore.DatabaseManager.ObjectUpdatedEx += new DatabaseManager.ObjectUpdatedDelegate(DatabaseManager_ObjectUpdatedEx);


    MP Donator
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  • July 3, 2011
    Hey, another question regarding the resumedata in the event.
    My code currently is:

        //ByteArrayToString, helper function for converting byte array to string
        private string ByteArrayToString(byte[] ba)
            if (ba == null) return "null";
            StringBuilder hex = new StringBuilder(ba.Length * 2);
            foreach (byte b in ba)
                hex.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", b);
            return hex.ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// Fired when an object is updated in the Moving Pictures Database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        private void DatabaseManager_ObjectUpdatedEx(DatabaseTable dbObject, TableUpdateInfo ui)
            WatchedStateEvent curEvent = new WatchedStateEvent();
            string strDebug;
            // If it is user settings for a movie
            if (dbObject.GetType() != typeof(DBUserMovieSettings))
                Log.Debug("WatchedSynchronizer: DatabaseManager_ObjectUpdatedEx: dbObject.GetType != DBUserMovieSettings");
            DBUserMovieSettings userMovieSettings = (DBUserMovieSettings)dbObject;
            DBMovieInfo movie = userMovieSettings.AttachedMovies[0];
            strDebug = "WatchedSynchronizer: DatabaseManager_ObjectUpdatedEx: userMovieSettings:" +
                                                                "ID: " + userMovieSettings.ID.ToString() + ", " +
                                                                "User: " + userMovieSettings.User.ToString() + ", " +
                                                                "UserRating: " + userMovieSettings.UserRating.ToString() + ", " +
                                                                "WatchedCount: " + userMovieSettings.WatchedCount.ToString() + ", " +
                                                                "ResumePart: " + userMovieSettings.ResumePart.ToString() + ", " +
                                                                "ResumeTime: " + userMovieSettings.ResumeTime.ToString() + ", " +
                                                                "ResumeTitleBD: " + userMovieSettings.ResumeTitleBD.ToString();
            if (userMovieSettings.ResumeData.Data == null)
                strDebug = strDebug + ", " + "ResumeData: null";
                strDebug = strDebug + ", " + "ResumeData: " + ByteArrayToString(userMovieSettings.ResumeData.Data);

    I am always getting exception:

    [2015-02-03 13:04:08,132] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [DEBUG] - GUIVideoFiles: OnPlayBackStopped store resume time
    [2015-02-03 13:04:08,157] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [ERROR] - Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
       bei Cornerstone.Database.CustomTypes.ByteArray.get_Data()
       bei WatchedSynchronizer.WatchedSynchronizer.DatabaseManager_ObjectUpdatedEx(DatabaseTable dbObject, TableUpdateInfo ui)
       bei Cornerstone.Database.DatabaseManager.update(DatabaseTable dbObject)
       bei Cornerstone.Database.DatabaseManager.Commit(DatabaseTable dbObject)
       bei Cornerstone.Database.Tables.DatabaseTable.Commit()
       bei MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.Database.MovingPicturesDBTable.Commit()
       bei MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MainUI.MoviePlayer.updateMovieResumeState(DBMovieInfo movie, Int32 part, Int32 timePlayed, Byte[] resumeData, Int32 titleBD)
       bei MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MainUI.MoviePlayer.onPlayBackStoppedOrChanged(MediaType type, Int32 timeMovieStopped, String filename)
       bei MediaPortal.Player.g_Player.StoppedHandler.Invoke(MediaType type, Int32 stoptime, String filename)
       bei MediaPortal.Player.g_Player.OnStopped()
       bei MediaPortal.Player.g_Player.doStop(Boolean keepTimeShifting, Boolean keepExclusiveModeOn)
       bei MediaPortal.Player.g_Player.Stop()
       bei MediaPortalApp.OnAction(Action action)  Message: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.  Site   : Byte[] get_Data()  Source : Cornerstone  Stack Trace:     bei Cornerstone.Database.CustomTypes.ByteArray.get_Data()
       bei WatchedSynchronizer.WatchedSynchronizer.DatabaseManager_ObjectUpdatedEx(DatabaseTable dbObject, TableUpdateInfo ui)
       bei Cornerstone.Database.DatabaseManager.update(DatabaseTable dbObject)
       bei Cornerstone.Database.DatabaseManager.Commit(DatabaseTable dbObject)
       bei Cornerstone.Database.Tables.DatabaseTable.Commit()
       bei MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.Database.MovingPicturesDBTable.Commit()
       bei MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MainUI.MoviePlayer.updateMovieResumeState(DBMovieInfo movie, Int32 part, Int32 timePlayed, Byte[] resumeData, Int32 titleBD)
       bei MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MainUI.MoviePlayer.onPlayBackStoppedOrChanged(MediaType type, Int32 timeMovieStopped, String filename)
       bei MediaPortal.Player.g_Player.StoppedHandler.Invoke(MediaType type, Int32 stoptime, String filename)
       bei MediaPortal.Player.g_Player.OnStopped()
       bei MediaPortal.Player.g_Player.doStop(Boolean keepTimeShifting, Boolean keepExclusiveModeOn)
       bei MediaPortal.Player.g_Player.Stop()
       bei MediaPortalApp.OnAction(Action action)
    [2015-02-03 13:04:08,170] [Error  ] [MPMain   ] [ERROR] - Exception: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt. Cornerstone    bei Cornerstone.Database.CustomTypes.ByteArray.get_Data()
       bei WatchedSynchronizer.WatchedSynchronizer.DatabaseManager_ObjectUpdatedEx(DatabaseTable dbObject, TableUpdateInfo ui)
       bei Cornerstone.Database.DatabaseManager.update(DatabaseTable dbObject)
       bei Cornerstone.Database.DatabaseManager.Commit(DatabaseTable dbObject)
       bei Cornerstone.Database.Tables.DatabaseTable.Commit()
       bei MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.Database.MovingPicturesDBTable.Commit()
       bei MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MainUI.MoviePlayer.updateMovieResumeState(DBMovieInfo movie, Int32 part, Int32 timePlayed, Byte[] resumeData, Int32 titleBD)
       bei MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MainUI.MoviePlayer.onPlayBackStoppedOrChanged(MediaType type, Int32 timeMovieStopped, String filename)
       bei MediaPortal.Player.g_Player.StoppedHandler.Invoke(MediaType type, Int32 stoptime, String filename)
       bei MediaPortal.Player.g_Player.OnStopped()
       bei MediaPortal.Player.g_Player.doStop(Boolean keepTimeShifting, Boolean keepExclusiveModeOn)
       bei MediaPortal.Player.g_Player.Stop()
       bei MediaPortalApp.OnAction(Action action)
    [2015-02-03 13:04:08,175] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [ERROR] - Exception: System.Exception: exception occurred ---> System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
       bei Cornerstone.Database.CustomTypes.ByteArray.get_Data()
       bei WatchedSynchronizer.WatchedSynchronizer.DatabaseManager_ObjectUpdatedEx(DatabaseTable dbObject, TableUpdateInfo ui)
       bei Cornerstone.Database.DatabaseManager.update(DatabaseTable dbObject)
       bei Cornerstone.Database.DatabaseManager.Commit(DatabaseTable dbObject)
       bei Cornerstone.Database.Tables.DatabaseTable.Commit()
       bei MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.Database.MovingPicturesDBTable.Commit()
       bei MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MainUI.MoviePlayer.updateMovieResumeState(DBMovieInfo movie, Int32 part, Int32 timePlayed, Byte[] resumeData, Int32 titleBD)
       bei MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MainUI.MoviePlayer.onPlayBackStoppedOrChanged(MediaType type, Int32 timeMovieStopped, String filename)
       bei MediaPortal.Player.g_Player.StoppedHandler.Invoke(MediaType type, Int32 stoptime, String filename)
       bei MediaPortal.Player.g_Player.OnStopped()
       bei MediaPortal.Player.g_Player.doStop(Boolean keepTimeShifting, Boolean keepExclusiveModeOn)
       bei MediaPortal.Player.g_Player.Stop()
       bei MediaPortalApp.OnAction(Action action)
       --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
       bei MediaPortalApp.OnAction(Action action)
       bei MediaPortal.GUI.Library.OnActionHandler.Invoke(Action action)
       bei MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindowManager.DispatchThreadMessages()
       bei MediaPortalApp.FrameMove()  Message: exception occurred  Site   : Void OnAction(MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action)  Source : MediaPortal  Inner Exception(s):  -> exception occurred  -> Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.  Stack Trace:     bei MediaPortalApp.OnAction(Action action)
       bei MediaPortal.GUI.Library.OnActionHandler.Invoke(Action action)
       bei MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindowManager.DispatchThreadMessages()
       bei MediaPortalApp.FrameMove()
    [2015-02-03 13:04:08,282] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [DEBUG] - D3D: Showing mouse cursor

    When ill remove the Debug print of the Resumpart variable the code runs fine.
    What i have understanded is that the resumepart is needed for gplayer to resume settings for BD/DVD playback.

    how can ill print it correctly to the debug log (best is hex string formated)??

    how can ill update Resumepart with Update sql statement within c#.
    Currently my code is:

                string strSQL = String.Format("UPDATE user_movie_settings SET watched = {0}, resume_part = {1}, resume_time = {2}, resume_data = NULL, resume_titlebd = {3} WHERE id = '{4}'", strWatchedStatus, intResumePart.ToString(), intResumeTime.ToString(), intResumeTitleBD.ToString(), strUserMovieSettingsId);
                Log.Debug("WatchedSynchronizer: (SetEpisodeWatchedStatus) SQL statement '" + strSQL + "' is going to be executed in database '" + mDatabase.DatabaseName + "'.");



    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • July 3, 2011
    Update: I have solved it.

    The issue is in the ByteArray.cs of CornerStone.
    Old Code:

            public byte[] Data {
                get {
                    if (_data.Length == 0)
                        return null;
                        return _data;
                set { _data = value; }
            private byte[] _data = null;
            public ByteArray() {
            public ByteArray(byte[] data) {
                _data = data;

    Ill think it happens that when an new ByteArray is instanced with no given "data" and "Data" is accessed, the code access "_data.Length" (bold above) and there the exception is thrown!

    Fixed Code:

            public byte[] Data {
                get {
                    if ((_data == null) || (_data.Length == 0))
                        return null;
                        return _data;
                set { _data = value; }
            private byte[] _data = null;
            public ByteArray() {
            public ByteArray(byte[] data) {
                _data = data;

    My workaround in my current code of WatchedSyncronizer:

        private void OnMovingPicturesDatabaseUpdated(DatabaseTable dbObject, TableUpdateInfo ui)
            WatchedStateEvent curEvent = new WatchedStateEvent();
            byte[] bteTmpResumeData = new byte[] { };
            // If it is user settings for a movie
            if (dbObject.GetType() != typeof(DBUserMovieSettings))
                Log.Debug("WatchedSynchronizer: OnMovingPicturesDatabaseUpdated: unknown object type: '" + dbObject.GetType().ToString() + "', event dropped!");
            //Cast to DBUserMovieSettings object and get movie details
            DBUserMovieSettings userMovieSettings = (DBUserMovieSettings)dbObject;
            DBMovieInfo movie = userMovieSettings.AttachedMovies[0];
            //check if userMovieSettings.ResumeData is null or empty string
            //if that is the case reinitialize userMovieSettings.ResumeData with an empty byte array to prevent null exception when accessing userMovieSettings.ResumeData.Data
            //this should be fixed in ByteArray.cs of Cornerstone. There is access to _data.length and NO null check before!
            if ((userMovieSettings.ResumeData == null) || (userMovieSettings.ResumeData.ToString() == ""))
                userMovieSettings.ResumeData = new ByteArray(bteTmpResumeData);


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