Half of TV series are not being imported (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
February 1, 2009
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United States of America United States of America
I used to LOVE this plugin.
Now it doesn't work.

Once I upgraded to MP 1.0 and download the latest MyTV-Series plugin I was less than thrilled.

Fully half my shows do not import.

Example: Season 8 of Smallville, I have all current episodes. Only 3 show up in the list.
The others do not show up on the manual list either, it's like they do not exist.
Season 3 of Dexter, I have all current episodes. Only 2 of 9 show up in the list.
(I haven't watched any of them yet either)

On MP RC4 with a previous MyTV-Series plugin it was perfect, all episodes showed up.
The only thing that has changed on the system is the upgrade to MP 1.0 and the latest version of MyTV-Series plugin.

This is happening with almost every series I have from Axe Men to The Amazing Race Asia.
it is random and unexplainable.

All episodes in each folder are the same.. they are different per each folder but the same type in each series folder. meaning avi's encoded the same way or mkv's encoded the same way. I do not mix and match my video types.

It cannot be a codek issue because every one of the shows plays natively. it isn't naming as they are all in the same folder and all named with the same convention ShowName.Season.Episode.extension

It is "new" installation so it can't be hidden or "watched" shows unless I missed that setting somewhere.
I have 2149 files in 179 folders.. 8 of which are heirarchial (genre) and then diveded from there (shows).

any ideas anyone? it's driving me nutz! :mad:


Portal Member
April 16, 2008
Home Country
Norway Norway
Same with me. I had MP RC2 with version 2.0 of MP-TVSeries. I just did a fresh install of XP and intalled MP 1.0 along with latest TVSeries plugin v2.1.3321 and Indigo 2.5 skin. Now it's hopeless. It has problems importing shows and fanart and many shows don't get names for the episodes.
I uninstalled v2.1.3321 and went back to 2.0. It doesn't look good with Indigo/Monochrome 2.5 but at least it works untill MP-TVSeries is fixed again.
I'm surprised more people haven't reported problems. I would think MP along with MP-TVSeries v2.1.3321 i a common combo.


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  • October 14, 2008
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    South Africa South Africa
    Plugin cant find TV series info

    I'm having the same problem! Thought it was me that messed up something when moving to MP1.0.0 Final and TVSeries plugin v2.1.3321 with Indigo 2.5 skin.
    At first half my banners and artwork disappeared, then after I rescanned my database in frustration, I lost all series artwork.
    In desperation and did a fresh install of everything, and now I cant see any series info at all!

    I'll go back to V2.0 of the TV Series plugin, but this is extremely frustrating.:confused:


    Portal Member
    April 16, 2008
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    MP and MPTV-Series v2.1.3321

    Is there no one else that have experienced this, other than the three in this thread?
    Seems like this doesn't happen with MP updated with some later SVN, but I'm not sure. I'm waiting with upgrading until MP is out. Not that is should matter since it MPTV-Series website says v2.1.3321 is supposed to work with MediaPortal v1.0.0.0 and up.


    MP Donator
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  • October 14, 2008
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    South Africa South Africa
    I suspect my database could have been corrupted due to frequent resetting without proper shutting down or some other reason.
    When I deleted the database file completely, and then rescanned, everything was fine.


    Portal Member
    April 3, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    So did any of you guys get the smallville or lost (the series) artwork to download for you ? I didn't upgrade as only started using mediaportal for tv series recently but I have never been able to download artwork. Looking at thetvdb,com there is no artwork for these series so assumed I had to go without.

    Are you using an alternative lookup for artwork ?



    Portal Member
    April 16, 2008
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    I didn't get artwork for any of them. Not and not even episode names and plot for all but a few. It also had problems finding shows even though they were named exactly like the ones in thetvdb.com

    My setup:
    XP Pro SP3
    MPTV-Series v2.1.3321


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • June 10, 2007
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    Australia Australia
    I didn't get artwork for any of them. Not and not even episode names and plot for all but a few. It also had problems finding shows even though they were named exactly like the ones in thetvdb.com

    My setup:
    XP Pro SP3
    MPTV-Series v2.1.3321

    Hi Snoop, I can't really guide you without a log. Can you do this for me:

    1. Backup your TVSeriesDatabase4.db3 if you need it
    2. Delete your database
    3. Open TVSeries Configuration
    4. Set Log Level to 'Debug' in General tab
    5. Add your Import Paths
    6. Start Import

    Note: apparently people have been reporting issues with DVD Order, please choose AIRED for this test.

    When Import is complete Attach your log MP-TVSeries.log and error.log.

    This goes for anyone experiencing issues. You may also send a log with your current database following the steps above.

    After this, you should confirm that you see your series/season/episode information is in the 'Details' tab of configuration as well as any artwork.

    If you have any firewall/adblocking software ensure that banners from the theTVDB.com is allowed.


    Portal Member
    April 16, 2008
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    That would be great. I'll get that log uploaded as soon as i can.


    Portal Member
    April 16, 2008
    Home Country
    Norway Norway

    It is working now. I didn't do anything different. I deleted the database before i reinstalled mptv-series again, but when it didn't work the first time it was on a clean install so it was a clean db that time as well. The times i tried after that i just used the clear db button in the mptv-series config menu.
    The first time i set Futurama to be sorted like the DVD, the only show i have that is sorted like the DVD. Now it didn't give me the option to sort it like the DVD, but it ended up being sorted correctly anyway.

    Anyway it works great now.
    I have the logs, but they probably, aren't that interesting now that it worked. Thanks for the help.

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