Hauppauge IR Blaster and IRSS - Standalone (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
October 15, 2006
Home Country
Canada Canada
I agree. I know a lot of work has been done on the IR Server Suite but it still doesn't work anywhere near as seamlessly as MCE. I had actually done some messing around a long time ago with the ServerBlaster code by watching the USB commands from MCE and trying to reverse engineer it. I think I did get it working better but got distracted and never really finished off the changes to the point I could commit them back to the project. I should take another look at it but right now I'm working on improving the schedules direct plugin.

I'm not really much help though. Lately I've been able to use one of the presets in IRSS for my Rogers box (even though the box I chose doesn't really match up). I don't know if you tried the presets but you might want to go through those (even if they don't seem to correspond to your equipment).


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