Help us to nail down the general problems with some technotrend cards (2 Viewers)


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  • July 28, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Technotrend Budget S1500 +CI (Running in pseudo DVB-T Mode) : SVN(17228) / TT Version (from this thread) / Version 4 / Version 5
    Timeshifting always always fails. See Logs Prefix Fail.

    In actual fact these logs were taken from the TT version fail but the results seem the same for SVN, v4 & v5 : SVN(16539) (This is my WAF failsafe version!)
    Timeshifting fails the first ~3 Attempts after TVService start. See Logs Prefix 16539Fail
    Timeshifting succeeds on subsequent attempts. See Logs Prefix 16539Success.

    Hope this helps.



    Portal Pro
    December 2, 2006
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Hi Guys,

    Does image/audio corruption also apply on this topic? I've a TT C-1500 with the latest drivers from the TT website.
    When timeshifting a channel, i'm unable to watch becouse of the blocks in the image. First I thought it has something to do with the TsReader. But when I watch the .ts file in Media Player Classic, it also happens there. So it's the ts file wich is corrupt.

    At the moment im using the SVN from yesterday.

    Never mind. I was a signal problem. When using the TT C1500 behind a Cable amplfier the image was horroble. But when I bypass the amplifier everything is crisp and clear. Probably to much signal power. Although it sounds logical, the strange part is that my Settopbox (Samsung DCB-360) doens't has problems with a over-powered signal.


    Portal Member
    February 1, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
    Is there anyone that have been able to get S2 3650 to work with TV server? I can't scan any channels (no signal). I have tried a number of SVN. The latest as of today (2 april).

    My S2-3200 is working OK.


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 31, 2006
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    Germany Germany
    I have a S2 3600 which worked just out of the box.
    Don't know the difference to a 3650


    Portal Member
    February 1, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
    The only difference is that my card has an CI slot.

    I have done some testing.

    With the ttbdadrv_dll.dll in TVServer program dir I get no signal when I scan channels with my S2 3650. But when I replace it with the ttbdadrv.dll (and rename it to ttbdarv_dll.dll) thats in the TT Media Center dir I'm abel to scan channelse but then I'm not abel to watch scramble channelse (not even on my S2 3200).

    The ver number is 1.0.3 on the api file that comes with TT Media Center and the ver number is on the api file in the TV-Server dir.

    But my goal is of course to be able to scan and watch scramble channels...

    Any clues to this behavior when I replace the DLL?


    Portal Member
    February 1, 2006
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    I have attached log files showing when I scan with TT api file and TV server API file.

    EDIT: I have noticed that may S2 3200 is OK with the TT dll.


    Portal Member
    November 19, 2007
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    France France

    With my TechnoTrend T-1500 i can't record. A file is created but size is 0ko. I watched a movie on TV 2 days ago and after 2 hours the video froze, while sound was still playing. I had to shutdown mediaportal, since then i am unable to watch or record TV but i can still record files with size of 0ko.

    Thanks to all of you for the amazing work you did with Mediaportal.


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