MP2 - V2.3.1 HEVC playback stutter in MP2.3 and 2.3.1 (3 Viewers)


Retired Team Member
  • Team MediaPortal
  • March 24, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    After rebooting my server, MP2 successfully installed! Anyway, I have attached the logs. If I see it get into this state again, maybe I can debug the service in VIsual Studio.
    If you are able to compile MP2 in VS, you might want to tweak these constants and re-compile: MediaPortal-2/CachedMultiSegmentHttpStream.cs at 2889496551204d55c5a3c84583b0fd6ab6bbd010 · MediaPortal/MediaPortal-2

    The stream class is used under the dokan layer to load parts ("chunks") from the remote server via HTTP. We formerly had bigger chunks, but this lead to very bad access times for random reads (i.e. like accessing a DVD file structure over network).

    You could try to increase the buffer size, i.e. from 256 to 512 kb. This could help to provide a smoother playback.

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