how often will it be populated? once after tuning? every change for thiese values? or every call of channel information screen?
surely we can publish this information to skin, and then skin creator can decide whether he wants to show this info and where.
afaik we need to make code changes in TsReader and in TvPlugin anyway to publish the new variables..It needs TvPlugin update
if Owlsroost already did some parsing in its code, then i think it would be more effective to continue/extend his work in this direction.
@Owlsroost can we get your current code for TSReader?
as i was forced to upgrade to MP 1.12, @Owlsroost please can you point me to the places where you do this parsing, or, better, where shoud we insert this additional function with audio information? So i can spare some time understanding the complete TSReader logicMy current dev versions of do parse the actual audio stream to extract the audio channel count (so it can generate the mediatype information on the output pin correctly). It also logs the information (and detects changes to channel count during play).