how to access the recently added movies by remote? (2 Viewers)


Community Plugin Dev
January 7, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
AW: how to access the recently added movies by remote?

You are definitely right SE! Why 3 Plugins for one feature?

MovingPictures and MPTVSeries should deliver the content and a another plugin should display the content. The advantage of this, is that MovingPictures and MPTVSeries can change their database structure without any problems for the recently added plugin. Also there would be less database connections. Only for music albums there would be a database connection necessary.

I also have some ideas how to make a recently added item on the basic home screen playable.

So someone should create one new plugin or integrate the whole recently added feature into another existing plugin.


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  • August 31, 2006
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    One plugin would be great but do we expect MP core to add publish service when new recordings, pictures or music is added? I'm about to release a new skin that needs all these features so I decided to implement this in the fanart handler that will be released in a day or two. I was allready accesing these parts in MP so providing this additional info cause no extra overhead.

    Fanarthandler now provide;
    * TVSeries support
    * Pictures support
    * Music support
    * TV Recordings support (both 4TR and MP TV)
    * Moving Picture support

    All this is configurable by the end user. He/she can choose in the fanart handler config to enable/disable any/all of these features.

    Access to this information is done thrue correct access (no direct database access) methods where these exists (like music, tv, 4tr, moving picture...).

    Best Regards


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 27, 2008
    Rijeka, Croatia
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    It's unreal to expect plugins to be exporting or providing this data on their own but recently added plugin (let's call it that way) should pull this data on predefined events (which does mean open architecture of provider plugins) or time intervals if there is no suitable event.

    Next, recently added plugin should also provide playing of the shown media. Opening/showing would not be possible with current MePo architecture.

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