How-To burn a Video-DVD via Media Portal (2 Viewers)


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  • May 13, 2005
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    Germany Germany
    Hi luksmann,

    is it one sinlge file or do you want to burn several files on DVD?
    What size does your file have?
    And did you convert it the same way you did, with the files that work?
    What program did you use for this?

    With this information I could try to test on my machine.



    Portal Pro
    November 10, 2005
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    It's a single file and the filesize is 5.33 gig and I used dvrms-toolbox to convert the file..

    But this time i tried the automatic conversion in dvrms-toolbox, i'll try manual conversion now and post the results...



    Portal Pro
    November 10, 2005
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    Austria Austria
    Manual conversion doesn't work...

    So it's not a conversion problem - seems like ReJig does something wrong...

    Does it work for you Ralph?



    Portal Member
    March 24, 2006
    How do I burn dvr-ms files to DVD so that they can be played back on any DVD? I recently recorded a program that a friend wants for a study project, but of course I was stumped to see that the format of the file wasnt mpg but dvr-ms. I immediately understood that Microsoft had messed up yet a format. I did some googling about this and only found a handful of converters, and tried one that unfortunately only works for the first 30 minutes (trialware).

    So what do you all to do burn these recordings to a DVD? Is there a one-button-does-it all solution or are you all fumbling about with converters and such every time? I somehow wished that my htpc would work like digital VCR and that I could copy anything I had recorded to a DVD for storing.

    Any help would be appreciated. This guide seems to rely on the files being mpg. :(


    Retired Team Member
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  • May 13, 2005
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    Germany Germany
    Hi johncl,

    right now there is no One-Click solution for MediaPortal.
    There is no Opensource program available that can create and burn a Video-DVD in a single application.
    So you will need to buy one of them like Nero, PowerProducer etc.
    That’s why this Plugin uses several tools.
    Unfortunately most programs cannot handle dvr-ms files and your recordings need to be converted to mpeg.
    But you can use MP itself to generate a mpeg file out of your recordings.
    Just go within MP to myTV-> Recordings-> Compress-> choose your file and mpeg as output fomat.

    This mpeg file can now be used with this plugin to burn as a Video-DVD.

    If you want to convert manually, take a look for dvrmstoolbox.
    There are even posts here in the forums about that.

    I somehow wished that my htpc would work like digital VCR and that I could copy anything I had recorded to a DVD for storing.
    I know One-Click solutions for everything would be great, but
    how much did your VCR cost?
    How much does MediaPortal costs?
    can your VCR uses several TV-Cards?
    can your VCR show up the wether forecast for several locations?
    can your VCR play all your favourit music in sereval formats?
    can your VCR import your music-cd to mp3 and look up the freecd-database?
    can your VCR show up a visualisation while you listen to your music?
    can your VCR play radio?
    can your VCR play internet radio?
    can your VCR show up the latest movie trailers?
    can your VCR play divx, xvid, wmv, asf, mov, etc. video files
    can your VCR be costumized with different skins?
    can your VCR show you the latest Newsfeeds (RSS)?
    can your VCR play Sudoku, Tetris, TicTAcToe, or Poker?
    can your VCR browse the web?
    etc, pp…

    Just keep that in mind and we are trying to get this thing optimized within MediaPortal, too. :wink:



    Portal Pro
    November 10, 2005
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    Another possibility would be Dvrmstoolbox

    The built-in Filewatcher converts Dvrms Files automatically to Mpeg, but it's a
    litte bit difficult to handle...
    It also offers ad-removal, converting dvrms to wmv and some more options...



    Portal Member
    March 24, 2006
    Thank you for the tip! Compress worked wonderfully and I was able to make a DVD using Nero. Does anyone know if Nero can be command line operated so that a plugin could be made to burn an mpg file to a DVD with a simple interface inside MediaPortal?


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 23, 2004
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    Australia Australia
    nice work..been waiting for a nice plugin for burning DVD's of tv shows in MP .... Australia we have AC3 audio u guys know if this plugin will work for .ts files?

    the ts->mpeg converter in MP doesnt allow aussie users to convert to MPG ...the audio of the .TS is in AC3 and transcoding does not support that and just crashes MP out)

    ill give it a go and let u know tonight


    Portal Pro
    May 18, 2006
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    Denmark Denmark
    cedriclocqueneux said:
    there is a problem: the DVD is burned, but when i want to see it, i don't have image, only the sound ! I have tested on my HTPC, and on my DVD player, same result: the DVD is read without problem, but no image, only a black screen with the sound.

    Hi, I think this way of creating a DVD is great, but I've got the same problem as cedriclocqueneux! On my DVD player the DVD is read without problem, but no image, only a black screen with the sound! Is it a new cvs (svn) that's the problem or is it possible to fix this bug? Im using the latest svn.

    The DVD plays ok on the computer using PowerDVD. Please help.


    Retired Team Member
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  • May 13, 2005
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    Germany Germany
    What DVD Player do you mean?
    Is it a standalone DVD-Player? -> can you try another one?
    Do you mean MediaPortal's internal DVD-Player? -> what codec do you use?
    can be found in configuration.exe->DVD -> DVD Codec


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