Hi Ben,
Interesting to read you have no interference problems. The csync signal from the Radeon card was definitely too strong for my TV, and I had to bring the voltage down. I'm not sure whether it would improve your picture if you do put the circuit in.
Here's the page where I found the circuit. And here's a similar discussion.
I'm not at home at the moment, but I'll post my powerstrip settings and a picture of the circuit board tomorrow.
My set definitely has digital processing enabled for RGB in, and I can't disable it (or the 100Hz functionality for that matter).
Interesting to read you have no interference problems. The csync signal from the Radeon card was definitely too strong for my TV, and I had to bring the voltage down. I'm not sure whether it would improve your picture if you do put the circuit in.
Here's the page where I found the circuit. And here's a similar discussion.
I'm not at home at the moment, but I'll post my powerstrip settings and a picture of the circuit board tomorrow.
My set definitely has digital processing enabled for RGB in, and I can't disable it (or the 100Hz functionality for that matter).