Hulu Desktop (1 Viewer)


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  • February 5, 2009
    Spokane, WA
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    OMG OMG OMG OMG!! Hulu has come out with Hulu desktop. Combine this with the shortcut plugin and you've got yourself Hulu integrated with MP! I know it's not a completely integrated solution, but Hulu was nice enough to add in remote control functionality too, so it's getting that much closer! Anyway, here's the link to anyone that's interested: Hulu-Desktop


    Portal Member
    December 13, 2007
    Are you MyPrograms to launch Hulu Desktop? I'm new to MyPrograms but not new to MP - and when I use the plugin it waits a full 60 seconds (it seems) to start. Hulu Desktop starts immediately when clicked from the desktop shortcut.

    If you're not using MyPrograms what shortcut program are you using?



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  • February 5, 2009
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    I'm actually using MultiShortcut. You can find it here: MultiShortcut. If ya need a screenshot for the settings, just let me know.


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  • August 14, 2007
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    I'd appreciate a screenshot, might save some trouble down the line.

    I too am very, very happy they did this. From what little I've played with it on my desktop at the office, it appears almost custom made for HTPC use - I love how they describe it almost with a wink and a nod as a "lean back" experience for PC viewing. Like they don't know perfectly well that HTPC hobbiest are going to integrate this for TV viewing.

    In fact I am a little astonished they did this given that they pulled Boxee support a couple months back - I guess they are perfectly ok with a relatively small number of home-brew HTPC using it on a TV, but sanctioned support from an all-in-one newbie friendly media front end like Boxee is a no go.

    Ok after writing that it still makes no sense. Why would they pull Boxee support and then release a free app a few months later that if anything is far better? Or maybe that's why?

    Whatever the case I'm glad they did it. For those of you who haven't tried it - do it. Next to actual Mediaportal integration (skin-wise, I mean, the multishortcut plugin actually makes launching and controlling it from MP a cakewalk) this is the best Hulu could be in a Media Center. What a gift.


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    New Member
    May 29, 2009
    I did the same thing with the multishortcut and I love how it works.

    Just put this path in the exe form:

    C:\Documents and Settings\*** System Name ***\Local Settings\Application Data\HuluDesktop\HuluDesktop.exe

    Know that when you first open Hulu desktop it will not be maximized. But if you maximize it and then exit it will open that way the next time.


    pretty happy about this one.


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  • February 5, 2009
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    The fact that the controls work with the standard button layout is about the best damn thing. It's fast, it streams well, and it's pretty well layed out. Not to mention that if you sign up for an account, you can setup queues of videos to watch and have recommendations on what you want to watch. Hulu did a damn good job with this one, IMHO. If anyone still needs screenshots for the settings in multishortcut, I'll post them tonight when I get home.


    Portal Pro
    February 16, 2009
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    Now only if Silverlight didn't suck so bad this would truely be awesome. It tears so bad it's almost unwatchable. :(

    I have the same problem with Netflix which also uses Silverlight.


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  • August 14, 2007
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    Except Hulu uses Flash, not Silverlight, so your theory doesn't hold up.

    How are you all setting this up in Multishortcut so the remote switches to it? My MCE remote still controls MediaPortal, not Hulu Desktop, even when it's in the background.


    Portal Pro
    January 6, 2009
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    Except Hulu uses Flash, not Silverlight, so your theory doesn't hold up.

    How are you all setting this up in Multishortcut so the remote switches to it? My MCE remote still controls MediaPortal, not Hulu Desktop, even when it's in the background.

    in the configuration for the hulu multishortcut plugin, i changed the "hide MP while executing" setting to TRUE. try that.

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