IMDb English Title Scraper (3 Viewers)


Portal Member
September 7, 2009
Amsterdam, NL
Home Country
England England
Here is a version I fixed from scratch using the latest 1.3.1 xml. This will pull the USA names as top priority. Then it will take the International English Title or UK title if no hard USA match. It will skip alternative|working|literal|complete to avoid getting some weird names for movies.

This one also will not remove articles from the movie name, only from the sortby name.

Hi pgjensen, can I ask what the <!-- Countries --> field is all about in your file?

Does this rectrieve country of production information? And if so how can I get this information to show?

Or maybe I'm on completely the wrong track...!



Portal Pro
May 1, 2008
i use it for logic to ensure i pull an AKA title only when necessary.

it will be a db entry in the near future.

new version posted.


Portal Member
April 11, 2010
Hey All,

Is there an updated version or a different plugin that does this a little better? This title scraper works as it should to grab the US title as top priority but it only grabs the first title that is labeled as US. If the movie already comes up in IMDB with the US title and another US AKA title, it picks the AKA title. For example. "X-Men", when using this script, comes up as "X-Men 1.5" which is the AKA title. It did this for a lot of titles that I had to go back and correct... one title at a time which can be a chore because you need to know if the title is the right one or the slightly different title. Some I found after going over the list a few times as they weren't obviously wrong.

As it stand, this is useful for me as a secondary scraper when the MP's own imdb scraper doesn't pick up the US title. I appreciate the work tho!


Portal Pro
May 1, 2008
Working on MP's latest one and getting the English AKAs as default again. Will fix that issue. If it's USA and English, ignore AKA names. If it's USA and non-English, I consider them.


Portal Pro
May 1, 2008
I updated it to now use v2.0.1 (latest IMDB scraper) and grab English titles for foreign releases. The problem before was the country was no longer being found due to a change in how MovingPictures handles captured groups on regex.


  • IMDbEnglishTitle2.0.1.xml
    20.9 KB

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