IMDB MP 1.2x (1 Viewer)

Portal Member
February 12, 2012

I tried this simple experiment: Try a dummy video file with name 'Star Wars III Revenge of the Sith'. Open the configurator, and press Lookup - mine returns 'no IMDB info found'. Now manually enter TT0121766, and then press Lookup - this time, the IMDB info is found, and the database is filled. Now close the configurator, and open Mediaportal. Go to Videos, and browse for Star Wars III - what do you see? I just see the generic Mediaportal stuff - my genre, director, rating, description, etc. are not shown. Other movies that have been added before the IMDB problem are fine, however.


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  • March 18, 2009
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    It's hard to say what is happening, if you can, PM me videodatabase file so I can look what's wrong, although MP 1.2.x MyVideos have problems and bugs (complete rework happened on 1.3.0A ->1.3.0B)
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    Portal Member
    February 12, 2012
    Maybe my problem has to do with using a central database. On one machine, I get the behavior described above. On another, I've learned that everything works as you'd expect. Perhaps the best thing to do is just add titles using the 'well-behaved' machine, and just call it a day. I do think it's strange that one of my three machines works fine and the other two can produce weird results, but perhaps it's not a problem worth solving. Thanks for all your help.

    Portal Member
    February 12, 2012
    Just when I think I can put this thing to bed, I find another example of true strangeness...even on my so-called 'well-behaved' machine. I just added a dummy video file named Battlefield Earth as an experiment, and Scan completely missed it. So I went to the Editor tab, clicked new, pointed it at the video file, and then clicked Lookup. This time it was found on IMDB, so I clicked the title, and all the info was added. However, when I click ok, and go back to MP, none of this information shows up when I browse to that video. I guess the question is: how can something clearly show up in the database, but not appear in MP? Try a dummy video file with that name - does your scan work? Does the info show up in MP? It seems all this weird stuff coincides with the recent grabber update.
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