Small update for non English title movies. If you prefer original title you don't need to download it, otherwise you can change behavior how it is described in update log in first post.
Removed scripts from first post, now you can fetch newest one via MP Configuration script update. You will have two of them in your script list:
1. IMDB with AKA - as default one compatible with all version of MP
2. IMDB with AKA V1.2.x - only for MP 1.2.x and above which will have extra things not compatible with lower MP versions
Just Push the button "Update grabber scripts" in Configuration for videodatabase - settings tab, all scripts will be renewed and visible in drop down list on the same screen.
I'm sorry, but the grabber does not work correctly. It will not download cover art for beans. It downloads the content like actors, info and so on but never art. I've "updated" scripts countless times and only IMDB with AKA shows nothing else. But, the script IT: MYMOVIESIT grabber downloads the cover art properly but everything is in a different language. This suggests that media portal is working but the IMDB with AKA is flawed. Please help.