IMON support (2 Viewers)


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  • May 14, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    IRS log shows the buttons pressed but in MP nothing happens - any idea where to start searching?


    MP Donator
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  • June 17, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    finaly I have some logs after stopping to acctept commands while watching TV.

    The last thing I did was to push OK an d react to it but with the wrong function: Instead of opening TV Program Info was shown. After this no reaction to any button! :(

    Also it seems that the IR Server Process needs about 100% CPU Power and can't be stoped via Setup. I have to kill it via Task Manager.

    well, the 3018 version is still runnig very instable (with my hardware).

    Is there any perspective of a solution to this in the next days?

    I know it's you spend your spare time for this project and I don't have provilige to get a solution, but it's not possible to enjoy MP in this way and my wife is getting a little bit impatient... I'm thinking of backing up the System and going back to "classic" ImonManager with ImonPad as long IRSS has a problem with my Hardware and need a hint what's the status of this problem, to make the best decission.




    MP Donator
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  • June 17, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    can you perhaps help me with my problem - when it is running fine for you?

    If it runs than it's perfect, but unfortunatly it does not run stable... :(

    First: Send logs!

    I would check the MP Plugin:
    • You have to use "Abstract Modell"!
    • If you have opended config at the first tab you can see after pushing a button to wich "Abstract" Button it's mapped. Does it react and is it mapped correctly?
      For example I had a problem with "My Videos" Button: In Abstract modell the Button is mapped to "Video" and if I send the correspondig Button it had received "Videos" So I had to remap/add it: Select Abstract Button and push the one you want to map to this.

    Imon Manager is not running?

    Without any further Infomation about your System I don't have an idea...




    MP Donator
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  • June 17, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    OK here are my logfiles if you need anything else - please ask.

    ok, it seems that comands are received by server.

    What about the MP Plugin: Does it confirm comands? If you open configuration and push a button does it react (as described before)?


    Portal Pro
    February 1, 2008
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    Okay here I go. Cannot get my mce remote to work properly. I made Bus hound logs which are attached and made according to:
    Have imon manager ver. 7.62.0721 and imon fireware ver. 0x380102 LCD HID OEM.

    What I did:
    1. installed "IR Server as Application" because i had HID.
    2. Set up ir server config to receive imon usb. With imon remote and keyboard. And advanced "use abstract remote model. And clicked OK to all.
    3. Tried all buttons in debug client work.
    4. Changed remote to MCE, tested again in debug client: Working.
    5. Started MP, MCE remote was not working. Instead I could use imon remote. So MCE remote didn't work.

    Am I doing something wrong? If so please tell me, and if you need more logs or anything tell me.

    Btw. minidisplay is enabled with no enabled settings under antec/iMon manager. And using 1.1 Alpha.

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