Importing Recordings (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
January 21, 2007
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Well i'm half way there, it imports into the mp database. MP can't see the recordings though, I shall investigate.

Btw, if anyone is interested the previous bug was because mySQL uses ? instead of @ for parameters and I didn't know! Learn somethin new every day!



Portal Pro
January 21, 2007
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Recordings Importer 1.02

It appears that MP doesn't like it very much if you assign a channel number it doesn't know about and refuses to show any recordings if there are any in the database with said channel numbers. My tool now defaults to the first channel in the channel list rather than just 1.

Please see the attached!

However, this will probably be the last version of this that gets released, at least until this: 0001156: ONLY .dvr-ms files recorded by MediaPortal can be played by MediaPortal - MediaPortal Bugtracker glaring bug is fixed. Because of this bug, which will not allow me to use my imported recordings in media portal, I will not be able to switch to media portal like I had planned and so I am unwilling to spend my time developing for it and since there hasn't been an update to the bug-report since november, I suspect that nobody is working on it.

I feel very, very disappointed :(

If anyone finds any bugs I may fix them if I have time. If and when the bug is fixed, i'll be back to try again.


Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Yes no work is being done on the internal MyTV, everything is being concentrated on TVE3, because of its major advantages over the old engine.

    Why the disappointment, over unable to use dvr-ms, if you look at comments everywhere on the internet, everything is ts or at least mpeg based.

    We even have the ability to record ts with analogue, a great step forward in my books.

    Anyway, look forward to hearing from you in the future, will still try your update tomorrow, when i can boot into xp\mp.



    Portal Pro
    April 26, 2006
    San Sebastian
    Yes no work is being done on the internal MyTV, everything is being concentrated on TVE3, because of its major advantages over the old engine.

    Why the disappointment, over unable to use dvr-ms, if you look at comments everywhere on the internet, everything is ts or at least mpeg based.

    We even have the ability to record ts with analogue, a great step forward in my books.

    Anyway, look forward to hearing from you in the future, will still try your update tomorrow, when i can boot into xp\mp.


    I can't agree with you, the ability to play drv-ms has nothing to do with TV3... Is just a problem on how MP client creates the graph.. before 0.2.3 MP client was able to play MCE recordings.. On some of the builds prior 0.2.3 the code was broken, I'm sure for a developer that now how to create correct graph this bug is not hard to fix..
    check this post

    0001156: ONLY .dvr-ms files recorded by MediaPortal can be played by MediaPortal - MediaPortal Bugtracker

    I uploaded a with all the information..
    The problem is tha the decrypt filter is not added for dvr-ms file..
    I hope some developer take care about this "BUG" :)

    Note : check the Picture attached... you will see the need graph


    • Dibujo.jpg
      73.7 KB


    Portal Pro
    January 21, 2007
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    The reason that this is such a problem with me is the way my wife and I watch tv. We tend to record a series and watch it back at a later data so at the moment I have something like 150 programs that we need importing, all in dvr-ms format! iosub is right, this doesn't work regardless of wether you use tve3 or not.

    Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    The reason that this is such a problem with me is the way my wife and I watch tv. We tend to record a series and watch it back at a later data so at the moment I have something like 150 programs that we need importing, all in dvr-ms format! iosub is right, this doesn't work regardless of wether you use tve3 or not.

    Personally then, i would use mce buddy, have it convert all my dvr-ms files to H.264, use the tvseries plugin for the information part, much nicer than a boring dvr-ms view.



    Retired Team Member
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  • February 16, 2005
    Hi Snakeman,

    I don't suppose the TVSeries plug in would help you?
    If you convert the episodes you have to DivX (I think MCE can do this automatically otherwise I think MP can) then the TVSeries plugin can order them nicely, give artwork for each one and provide episode guides etc.

    It would be a shame to lose someone who shows so much potential so early on just because of something that seems pretty small.

    I agree that the DVR-MS thing is pretty bad, but at the moment the devs are all very busy (we don't have very many for such a big project) so even if it's a small thing to solve, it still may take some time.

    EDIT: too slow, it seems, beaten by PD :)


    Portal Pro
    April 26, 2006
    San Sebastian
    The reason that this is such a problem with me is the way my wife and I watch tv. We tend to record a series and watch it back at a later data so at the moment I have something like 150 programs that we need importing, all in dvr-ms format! iosub is right, this doesn't work regardless of wether you use tve3 or not.

    I check yesterday the code and the mantis report of the bug
    the bug start on build 16124
    and the source code that was touched was in "core/DShowNet/Helper/directshowUtil.cs filterHelper.cs" is to complicated for me... EABIN was the one that made the modifications.. maybe he will be able to rollback..



    Portal Pro
    January 21, 2007
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Unfortunately I don't have the space to convert all my files at the moment and since I have tried and failed to switch to mp several times before I don't want to do anything to the files that would stop media center using them. I'll have a look at the code in the filterhelper.cs myself though, never know, I might be able to deal with this myself! Just got to get to grips with svn now!!

    I was feeling pretty gutted yesterday about this but yes, I can see that there are ways around it. Maybe I can convince the mrs that I need a nice big new hard drive!!

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