Impressions of 1.3.0 beta DefaultWide (1 Viewer)


Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    At the risk of outing myself as sooo last century, I have to say that I am disappointed with the new DefaultWide.
    1. The old version was simple, functional and intuitive.
    2. I understand the desire for "eye candy", but isn't that the purpose of "unofficial" skins or the new Titan?
    3. The control menu (power, etc.) is now hidden; you have to be psychic to find it.
    4. The icons in same for "close" and "power" were easily distinguishable in the old version. I couldn't identify a "close" icon in the new one.
    5. The home screens waste a lot of real estate, l prefer the verticl menu in the old classic home.
    6. Most views seem to have smaller font but fewer lines. Huh? For example, I can now see only 4 albums at once.
    7. The TV guide seems to display logos smaller than before, they don't fill the available space on each line.
    8. Genre highlighting isn't working for me, but this could be due to inadequate information from my (cable) provider.
    9. One major improvement is that long music track titles are no displayed without scrolling in Music - Now Playing, and in other screens when music is playing: HOORAY!
    10. Another is the availability of a lot more settings within the on-screen settings plugin.
    What are the chances of getting a simple, functional, intuitive skin without any fancy background images, like the old DefaultWide?


    Design Group Manager
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    1. So is this one
    2. Same as above
    3. It always was
    4. There is a clear difference according to international icon use
    5. That may be a good point for an extra theme
    6. All views have the same fonts, thumbnail panels have one line minus
    7. Logo size wasn´t touched at all
    8. Map genres in TVServer
    9. ;)
    10. ;)

    Finally: nobody forces you to use it - the majority of users do like it because it´s clean and simple ;)
    Last edited:


    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2007
    Home Country
    The new defaultwide is a vast improvement over previous defaults. Keep up the good work!

    This is the first time after many years of using MP that I have used the default wide skin as my day to day GUI. I did change the default background on the classic home because it was not to my taste, but besides that it is great. The titan skin didn't make much of an impression on me.


    Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    1. So is this one
    2. Same as above
    3. It always was
    4. There is a clear difference according to international icon use
    5. That may be a good point for an extra theme
    6. All views have the same fonts, thumbnail panels have one line minus
    7. Logo size wasn´t touched at all
    8. Map genres in TVServer
    9. ;)
    10. ;)

    Finally: nobody forces you to use it - the majority of users do like it because it´s clean and simple ;)
    Hi catavolt,
    Happy New Year!
    Thanks for taking the time to respond in such detail.
    1. Obvioulsy a matter of opinion ;-)
    2. ditto
    3. Maybe my 1.2.3 setup is unusual in some way, but I see the power bar at the top of DefaultWide's Classic Home screen without having to move my cursor up (see "PowerBarWithClose.png")
    4. Both Apple and MS use the "X" shown in the abovementioned screenshot for "close". The new "close" icon (see "NewPowerBarWithClose.png") looks more to me like the symbol for "sleep" described in this wikipedia article. Furthermore, it is so similar to the "shutdown" icon (see "NewPowerBarWithShutdown.png") that I have a hard time telling them apart.
    5. :) (maybe you would even consider more than 5 lines - I love your generous vertical side menus in PureVision!)
    6. My mistake, sorry ;-{
    7. Maybe I need my eyes examined, but the logos in "NewProgramGuide.png" look smaller to me than those in "NewProgramGuide.png".
    8. Thanks for the tip! ;-)


    • PowerBarWithClose.png
      521.3 KB
    • NewPowerBarWithShutdown.png
      2 MB
    • NewPowerBarWithClose.png
      2 MB
    • NewProgramGuide.png
      726.4 KB
    • OldProgramGuide.png
      595.9 KB


    Community Plugin Dev
  • Premium Supporter
  • January 3, 2008
    Home Country
    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    Long time I didn't understand why DefaultWide home screen have no plugin hovers/backdrop images. But it is all clear now after i tried to play music - I saw music fanart on home screen! Looks great! Many thanks @catavolt @Tgx and who did this. Still my favourite skin. ;)


    Portal Pro
    May 28, 2010
    Home Country
    Slovenia Slovenia
    I agree with close icon, its kinda weird. it's not really a major issue once you get hang of it (I have already learned that I need to press left icon not right one), but it should be straight forward from the beginning.


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    I'm a DW virgin but I'm guessing the X is close MP and the circle with dot is power am I correct?

    I'm not sure what the other two do, but I'm guessing one of them does toggle between fullscreen/windowed video and the other one might maximise/window mode the MP window? Not sure which is which or if they do that.
    Last edited:


    Portal Pro
    May 28, 2010
    Home Country
    Slovenia Slovenia
    That is with old skin. New one is NewPowerBarWithShutdown.png.


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Oh both buttons look like they do power, but you can tell the one on the far right isn't the power button (and the 2nd from the right is PWR), however it's an unclear symbol bc it still looks like one.

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