I think what we should do is use the value set by the thumb quality slider instead of hardcoding the value.ffmpeg use " -s 640x360 " to possible to delete this ? for leave original size ?
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I think what we should do is use the value set by the thumb quality slider instead of hardcoding the value.ffmpeg use " -s 640x360 " to possible to delete this ? for leave original size ?
The used values might defer a little. But what I basically mean is to give the user the option to configure the thumb size for videos, rather than hardcoding it. I really don't like hardcoding settings.Ok, for me ! but the height is not indicated ! : ( -s ) set final thumbnail or only "screenshot"
i think is "screenshot" : if thumbnail is 2x2 = 640x360 x4 = 1280x720 and MP resize 1280 to 600 ( quality setting)
sorry for english !
No.Yeah,if understand
Slider one : size Thumb (screenshot) size
slider two : Thumbnail (final output) for use in MP and leaved in storage
Resolution of the fanart is something the scraper takes care of.maybe an tree slider, for make Fanart ...
Don't know what you mean. We have effectively removed the need for mtn.exe, which was always a big stability problem.and use a mtn special MP ? actually reworked by Jay_UK
The used values might defer a little. But what I basically mean is to give the user the option to configure the thumb size for videos, rather than hardcoding it. I really don't like hardcoding settings.
// Use this for the working dir to be on the safe side
string TempPath = Path.GetTempPath();
string OutputThumb = string.Format("{0}_s{1}", Path.ChangeExtension(aVideoPath, null), ".jpg");
string[COLOR=#ff0000] ShareThumb[/COLOR] = OutputThumb.Replace("_s.jpg", ".jpg");
using (Settings xmlreader = new MPSettings())
PreviewColumns = xmlreader.GetValueAsInt("thumbnails", "tvthumbcols", 1);
PreviewRows = xmlreader.GetValueAsInt("thumbnails", "tvthumbrows", 1);
[COLOR=#ff0000]LeaveShareThumb[/COLOR] = xmlreader.GetValueAsBool("thumbnails", [COLOR=#ff0000]"tvrecordedsharepreview[/COLOR]", false);
Log.Debug("VideoThumbCreator: Settings loaded - using {0} columns and {1} rows. Share thumb = {2}",
PreviewColumns, PreviewRows, LeaveShareThumb);
NeedsConfigRefresh = false;