Indicate 'watched' movies? (1 Viewer)


Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
I just installed StreamedMP-0.8.448 from streamedmp - Google Code and It has watched / not watched icons!
I thought this wasn't possible on MovingPictures :confused:
So next question, on the normal skins that come with MovingPictures where does it show watched/not watched status?
I don't think that the generic skin displays watched / unwatched status, but the Blue3Wide skin does for sure. Currently none of the guys on our team are really skinners, but if someone were to update the generic skin, we would definitely include the new version in the next release. Honestly though the generic skin is becoming less of a priority for us because almost all popular skins now support Moving Pictures. The intention of the generic skin is to allow people to use Moving Pictures, even if their skin of choice doesn't support it, but this is becoming less and less common.

Is it also possible in thumbs view?
I am not sure it would be possible to have watched flags overlaying thumbnails in thumbs view. You can set an overlay graphic for thumbs on the facade, but this is a global setting so whatever you assign would be applied to everything in the facade. It might be possible to get something to work with some code changes, but I think it is probable that changes to MediaPortal itself would be required.


Portal Pro
November 14, 2008
Home Country
I see what you mean about blue3wide having the icons. I'm no skinner by any stretch of the imagination but I'll see if I can hack something into the generic skin.

Is there any plans to make a blue3 skin (non-wide?) as I'm one of the people still using a 4:3 TV so I didn't even know the blue skin existed :p


Portal Pro
November 14, 2008
Home Country
I had a crack at it but I don't have the experience with xml skinning to be able to pull it off. I also tried moving the blue3wide skin files to the blue3 folder and tinkering with those but couldn't get the alignment right :(

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