gorman said:Sadly, IMHO, MP is a far cry from being XBMC for the PC. The interface is not up to current XBMC standards and, as a whole, it "feels" like a PC application, whereas XBMC "feels" more like a standard appliance, like a DVD player with a nice interface... I don't know if I'm explaining myself.
Admittedly, working on XP is different than working on a single-hardware console. But the Mplayer based XBMC is in my opinion far more efficient. I guess Mplayer had been ruled out for PVR needs, if I remember correctly.
All this IMHO and with great faith in future developments for MP-
Not good news. Oh well... hopefully, like you said, the future will bring a lot of positive changes to MP. I'll still probably try it out one of these days when I get around to it but I might have to start seriously looking into upgrading the Xbox's CPU so it can keep up with HD. With the microsoft component HD pack it can output 720p but unfortunately it just isn't fast enough and stutters on playback of hd movies/tv shows.