I've tried this and it works like charm. Really fantastic!
With help of the following website I got tons of new channels. Including two 24/7 racing channels! (these ones I love especially)
I'm dutch so the following link contains a package with sorted .pls files that contain only English (spoken) and Dutch chanels. Most of the chanels I checked and work.
Is there a way to capture/recorde streams? Could this be implemented in a submenu or something?
Sorry for my English....
With help of the following website I got tons of new channels. Including two 24/7 racing channels! (these ones I love especially)
I'm dutch so the following link contains a package with sorted .pls files that contain only English (spoken) and Dutch chanels. Most of the chanels I checked and work.
Is there a way to capture/recorde streams? Could this be implemented in a submenu or something?
Sorry for my English....