Is there a need for a skin editor? (6 Viewers)


Portal Pro
August 22, 2009
Hoover, AL
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
FredP42: I already removed references.xml from the list :). I think I really should add a feature to edit the defaults.
You are right, Listcontrol does not work yet.

As a quick info to all that test: Only Controls that are listed in the tree on the left work for now. For most of the missing controls the WIKI is empty. I really would appreciate if somebody would update missing information to ease my life *g*.



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  • February 7, 2007
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    ok, and diffuseColor is also ANDed over the image for example ???
    For GUIImage the resulting color (either diffuseColor or diffuseColor AND dimColor) is blended with the image texture. Then the result is blended with the diffuseTexture.
    A blend operation is done by multiplying each component (RGBA) of the first color with the corresponding component of the second.


    Portal Pro
    August 22, 2009
    Hoover, AL
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    United States of America United States of America
    ah ok, great help!
    so i just convert each component to value between 0.0 and 1.0... then multiply and I am good.

    that helps to really give you guys that wysiwyg-feeling :)


    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    I've just downloaded this and had a quick play with it. First impressions are that it's a going to be a great tool - it will really open skinning up to a lot of people who wouldn't otherwise have the time it takes to sit down and work out how to do this stuff. I love checking out new skins - I'm always looking for ways to tweak things so it's great to see what other people have come up with and the more skins we have "out there" the better for the whole MP community :)

    Here's what I think so far...

    ... Also, an indication of which media files aren't used is welcome...
    That would be handy

    ...I'm really glad to see that you can resize controls by mouse, great :)
    that is handy :)

    Also good with the right-click bring to front/back.
    So is that...

    ...I missed a undo/redo function.
    ME TOO!! Very important!

    The colorpicker doesn't seem to remember the last chosen color.
    I'm just glad there's a colour picker!Trying to find out how the colours worked and where to change them was one of the hardest things for me to work out when I first started skinning

    For what I tested, it seems that the Listcontrol is not displayed.
    ..which makes it hard to lay out a page when you can't wee where the list is going to sit.

    ..You are right, Listcontrol does not work yet.
    Soon?? Also will the "spin controls" be shown? Some screens have them in different positions...

    ..Only Controls that are listed in the tree on the left work for now. For most of the missing controls the WIKI is empty. I really would appreciate if somebody would update missing information to ease my life *g*.
    I would jump in there but I don't really think my knowledge is up to it. Hopefully one of the "grandmaster" skinners will get on to it for you.

    Apart from some of the more technical things that have aready been bought up in this thread I'd like to see a couple of things:
    1. The ability to click on a control, button, image or whatever and copy it to another screen
    2. A quick "hide/show" button on each of the side panels
    3. A zoom in and out button rather than just the side to side scrolling.
    4. A SAVE button so that I can really test this thing!!

    Keep up the good work.



    Portal Pro
    August 22, 2009
    Hoover, AL
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    uploaded alpha 3 to first post (includes some of your ideas, not all...).

    I'm curious what you think about the new Hierarchy-Panel (I like it *g*).


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  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
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    Hi steff2002 oops NoBugS now... Just tested your latest release. Now I see all buttons within an action group, but in reverse order (first button is displayed last, last button displayed first). Didn´t test all the new possibilities, but it looks better and better! Great work and :D


    Portal Pro
    August 22, 2009
    Hoover, AL
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    Thanks for the feedback.... Do you have a screen (xml) in mind (maybe in Blue3... thats what I use for testing) so I can look at it?


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 7, 2007
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    I am no skinner, but out of curiosity I just tried your 1.0a3 version and just noticed that the color chooser you are using does not support transparency (alpha). I don't know if you already had in mind to support it, but transparency is quite important in skin design. So if the color chooser is a stock one, perhaps you should implement your own to support transparency;).

    PS: I'm not nagging, I just thought I mention it so you can put it in your loooong todo list.:D.


    Portal Pro
    August 22, 2009
    Hoover, AL
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    it supports transparancy... however you have to enter it manually as the first byte (2 hex digits)
    so if you want 50% just change the FF at the beginning to 80. after you change it all colors in the color chooser will have 50% transparency.
    since the control is of the shelf I don't want to add a button for transparancy (if not really needed :) ).

    can you live with that? or is it to inconvenient?

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