I have some doubts about the client plugin. Is this the right approach? I would have expected the tv-servers to show up as devices in the setup. It looks to me that this would have simplified thinks. Scanning the 'server-device' would translate to selecting the available channels from a server, comparable to the scan of a fysical device. These channels could then be selected as local favourites, just like we do with channels from other sources. It would be possible to mix channels from servers (dvb-s) with those from a local dvb-t tuner. All this would not require major changes in MP itself. I am sure the designers/developers have thought along those lines, but why has a different approach come out?
This comment should not be taken as critisism, merely as curiosity. I'm a big fan of MP.
This comment should not be taken as critisism, merely as curiosity. I'm a big fan of MP.