+>>>>>>> remotes/origin/MP1-2469-DetectDrive_method_obsolete
if the camera is detected as MAss Storage, should be visiible inside MP !Is it possible to add the ability to read a connected digital camera?
if the camera is detected as MAss Storage, should be visiible inside MP !Is it possible to add the ability to read a connected digital camera?
i hope ! ( i have Camera ( 2 years old , when patch is ready i can test it )
Tested with the commit at 13/11/2013 with the support of Multi-Card Reader.
Working fine. ( only tested with one media Flash card, on Multi reader card)
only media is ejected !
For USB hdd, it's crazy.
when use eject device in MP, the HDD go in sleep mode (but always present as Device), is not really ejected.
i don't know, if is good or bad ! ( it's the 1st time, than my (old external 3.5 HomeMade ), do this !
it's similar to my WD mypassport, after few delay without using it, it going to sleep mode.
When Disk is in sleep mode, always appears inside MP root view, and enter in it, the device out of sleep, and can be used.
If onr guy, can tell me, than we have none problem, for unplug device in sleep mode !
The only thing ! ( yes, always ), it's only based on the eject dialog, MP always show " you can eject the device", this screen appears also, when you use the external device inside plugins ( as play movie / music files inside MP, and use action to eject media, the dialog show " you can eject device, but play continu ).
I don't know if the next ask, should have his own Jira entry.
Deda, can you look also for add the support to open / close the DVDrom tray. inside MP Action menu on rootview.
because few Case are fake Tray without eject button, for open it / close it .
Open Action already exist for remote, but not close.
killed 2 drive, with thisr by hand while you're at drive
don't working with "P" shortcutyou can close it with Play button
not sure, to understand, what you want say ( sorry) , but for reply : for watch my DVD movie ( you know Media stub extension )otherwise why you open drive in first place