LAV Video Decoder not found (1 Viewer)


Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    Did you go on tv codec section to confirm that the correct codec was picked up ? I think you only see the video part not tv :)

    From Tapatalk


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 9, 2012
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    The wiki/manual doesn't include/explain such things.
    Personally I'd have thought these things would be blindingly obvious common sense.
    Maybe once you understand how it works, but it is not the first time that someone has vehemently claimed that they have checked that the settings are correct only for it to be found that they have not been applied. It seems that there is an incorrect assumption made that the view of the settings is a reflection of how they are actually currently set/saved so it is then not intuative to confirm/save and apply them with the OK button if no changes are made.
    Do you actually think the wiki needs to explain that settings which are viewed are saved and settings which aren't viewed aren't saved?
    No, but it probably needs to explain that:- to apply/save these settings, even if no changes are made, each tab must be viewed and MP config closed with OK ; these settings will not be applied/saved for any tabs that are not viewed or if MP cinfig is closed using the cancel button.
    I will propose/do (no idea how that works will be a first for me:unsure:) that as an ammendment to the wicki.

    ...or are you just "pulling my leg"?!? :)
    I wouldn't dare:D


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 9, 2012
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Well that was real easy, it seems anyone can just go in and modify the Wicki:eek:, so I did. See here (5....Please note....
    Hope that does the job.:)

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