Live TV Stops Playing (1 Viewer)


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  • May 21, 2008
    Bolton, Lancashire, England
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    England England
    Hi Guys,

    I have been having a long standing error with live TV playback.

    After about 1.5 minutes of live TV streaming the picture just stops - no error boxes, just a frozen picture. This situation occurs everytime MP is started. After a 15 minutes or so it seems to settle down and play OK and change channel OK but until then it is difficult. This is only happening on the Lounge HTPC.

    I attached the various logs - although the TS Reader log seems to be more applicable. The last time it happened was around 18:14 with the live TV stream being started at about 18:12

    Any help would be gratefully received.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    Please post the server log files for the same time period so we can confirm the problem is not related to the server.



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  • May 21, 2008
    Bolton, Lancashire, England
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    England England
    Hi MM,

    Thanks for the quick response. Find attached the TV Server logs to cover the 11/03/14 - 18:11 to 18:13 time period. If it helps any, the channel tuned to was BBC2, which is available on both the DVB-S and DVB-T tuner cards.


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  • October 28, 2008
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    I think you're suffering from the standard Windows 'SMB2 file existence cache' problem....(basically Windows reports that a remote timeshift buffer file doesn't exist even though it's actually there, so can't open or read it - end of game, basically).

    However, hopefully help is at hand (hot off the press and in need of testers) - please try the attached, which has a workaround for the issue. Just replace the existing in 'C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal' on the client with the new one and report back please.

    Earlier versions of this workaround have been tested by HomeY (who also suffers badly from this problem) so we believe it works, but it's best to regard this as experimental at this stage.


      176.1 KB


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  • May 21, 2008
    Bolton, Lancashire, England
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    @Owlsroost - tried the new TSReader last night several times, and again this morning with still the same results as the old TSReader.

    After starting up a choosing a live TV stream, the stream stops after about 2 - 3 minutes of playing. I then turn the stream off using the TV on/off button, and I can then access a live stream again after several seconds delay and then go back to full screen live TV. Sometimes it streams fine after the first stop, others it stops the stream again and again, always after a couple of minutes have elapsed. The time the stream takes to stop seems to be variable.


    Test Group
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  • February 23, 2008
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    tried the new TSReader last night several times, and again this morning with still the same results as the old TSReader.
    Please post full debug logs again after reproducing (or better, use the WatchDog with option 1 to rule out plugin issues)


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 28, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    After starting up a choosing a live TV stream, the stream stops after about 2 - 3 minutes of playing. I then turn the stream off using the TV on/off button, and I can then access a live stream again after several seconds delay and then go back to full screen live TV. Sometimes it streams fine after the first stop, others it stops the stream again and again, always after a couple of minutes have elapsed. The time the stream takes to stop seems to be variable.

    When it happens again, before you press 'stop', can you check at the server if the relevant timeshift buffer files exist at that end, and that you have a working network connection at the client (because a network dropout coild cause the symtoms you are getting).

    Basically, from your logs, when it breaks can't read the timeshift files, which could be because they don't exist at the server anymore, or because there's no connection to the server (temporarily at least).

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