Live TV Stops Playing (1 Viewer)


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  • September 1, 2008
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    This seems very very odd to me.
    TsWriter is not going to have started a new buffer file after only one minute of playback unless you've set your timeshift file size very small. In other words, I'm saying it looks like TsReader loses access to the file mid-playback. I would have thought that were atypical. Doesn't the SMB problem usually strike when TsReader switches to a new file? ...or am I completely misreading the scenario?

    The error code in TsReader is -2147024832. Convert to two's compliment and you have 0x80070040 = "the specified network name is no longer available". That seems awfully fishy to me.


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  • October 28, 2008
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    Doesn't the SMB problem usually strike when TsReader switches to a new file? ...or am I completely misreading the scenario?


    The error code in TsReader is -2147024832. Convert to two's compliment and you have 0x80070040 = "the specified network name is no longer available". That seems awfully fishy to me.

    I hadn't got as far as converting the error code, but I agree with the conclusion - the network connection has probably disappeared (maybe temporarily).

    (I'm tempted to make the error handling code decode the common errors, to make the logging more informative ;))


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  • September 1, 2008
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    (I'm tempted to make the error handling code decode the common errors, to make the logging more informative ;))
    That would be cool... and hopefully relatively simple using functions like this:

    I thought about and tried doing the same on the TV Server side, however the HRESULTs returned by BDA drivers tend to be so generic as to be meaningless. Something to keep in mind, but I expect you'd get better results than I did at least for errors like this.


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  • November 22, 2006
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    Since some days using your tsreader the issue did not happen again. Maybe it just disappeared the way it appeared, because i did not had a single issue since changing my nics (you might remember.) , maybe the new tsreader helped.
    I guess old logs with the error wont help much, so i would post them if it happens again.

    I had a running teamviewer session to the server while facing the issue. Windows logs do not show connection.
    If you want me to try something just let me know.

    Wouldnt disabling smb2.0 be a workaround?


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  • May 21, 2008
    Bolton, Lancashire, England
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    England England
    Hi Guys,

    Sorry for delay in getting back... unexpected workload (not complaining though!)

    I do still have this problem, even with the Owlsroosts new tsreader file. There does seem to be a pattern with it, and that it will play live TV perfectly and channel change perfectly only after the picture freeze has happened twice, and never freezes more than twice. When the picture freezes and I go back to the main TV page, the scrolling text under the channel has also frozen and the item selection i.e. TV Channel, TV Guide, Recorded TV is also frozen. This frozen state lasts about 8 seconds and then all is back to normal.

    This does not happen with movies, or TV Series.. only live TV. If you want more logs do let me know the GF has now got used to this behaviour, but it would be good to fix it without doing a full format and reinstall, which is a thought developing in my mind :rolleyes:o_O


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  • May 21, 2008
    Bolton, Lancashire, England
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    England England
    Thanks Sebastiii, I will shortly. I have just been checking what is happening in order to respond to Owlsroosts earlier post.


    When it happens again, before you press 'stop', can you check at the server if the relevant timeshift buffer files exist at that end, and that you have a working network connection at the client (because a network dropout coild cause the symtoms you are getting).

    I have just run MP in windowed mode, with a File Explorer open to view the time shift folder. When Live TV starts, the timeshift file appears in the timeshift folder. When the picture freezes, and before I press STOP, I can still access the time shift file and play it using VLC. When I press STOP (TV Off) in the Main TV Window the timeshift file does disappear. Now that is how it worked, but I would say that the process was not a smooth one, a number of pauses and with the rotating blue circle as windows is 'working'... Hmmm, maybe unstable network.. I don't know.

    Before taking up valuable time of others, I would like to check out the consistency/stability of the network connection. I haven't had any problems that make me think there are network problems (apart from the above), but if there is some small application that I can use to check the network connection it would eliminate that part and possibly a lot of wasted effort by the devs if the network is unstable.


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  • November 12, 2007
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    You can try simply ping for now but maybe another would be better :)
    Try to open a cmd prompt and (ping 'addressOfYourServer' -t) like :
    ping serverpc -t or ping -t :)

    And see if you have some timeout while it failed on MP.


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  • October 28, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Latest Logs attached - Freeze happened about 13:14, channel BBC 2

    It's the same problem - lots of 'The specified network name is no longer available' (-2147024894) and 'The system cannot find the file specified' (-2147024832) file read errors in TsReader.log.

    This ties in with you getting:

    When the picture freezes and I go back to the main TV page, the scrolling text under the channel has also frozen and the item selection i.e. TV Channel, TV Guide, Recorded TV is also frozen. This frozen state lasts about 8 seconds and then all is back to normal.


    I would say that the process was not a smooth one, a number of pauses and with the rotating blue circle as windows is 'working' all points to network problems i.e. access to the server (or the network in general) being very slow occasionally for some reason. Have you got a dodgy network cable or Wi-Fi adaptor or HomePlug adaptor in the connection ? Or is there something on the PC (or possibly in MP) that is comsuming a lot of network bandwidth ?

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