Lockups and audio problems occurring when viewing TV (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
November 24, 2007
Home Country
TV-Server Version: RC1
MediaPortal Version: RC1
MediaPortal Skin: Widescreen
Windows Version: WinXP SP2 w/ latest updates
CPU Type: AMD X2 4400+
Memory: 2x 1GB DDR400
Motherboard: DFI LanParty UT SLI-DR
Motherboard Chipset: nvidia nForce4 (6.86 drivers minus the IDE/SATA)
Motherboard Bios: Unknown but 406 version
Video Card: nvidia 6600GT 128MB
Video Card Driver: 169.25
Sound Card: Auzentech X-Fi Prelude
Sound Card AC3: optical out
Sound Card Driver: RC5_1
1. TV Card: Hauppauge HVR-2200
1. TV Card Type: DVB-T x2
1. TV Card Driver: 3.1H
MPEG2 Video Codec: MPV v?
MPEG2 Audio Codec: MPA v?
Satelite/CableTV Provider:
HTPC Case: Zalman HD160
Cooling: 2x 80mm Noctua, 1x PCI slot extractor
Power Supply: Corsair 450VX
Remote: Zalman MCE lookalike
TV: Sony Bravia X 46"
TV - HTPC Connection: DVI->HDMI


I have had a few issues with the TV server and MyTV. Attached are my logfiles for both. What has happened is that I installed MySQL first then installed the TV Server and Client RC1 in single seat setup. It took me a little fiddling to get my MySQL server with the correct permissions (as localhost was rejected as a host for the TV server setup. I also setup the TV server to detect when the MySQL server has started and to wait for it. Also I should note, my MySQL server service name was changed from default.

I setup my hybrid card groups then I detect digital channels on my tuner card. That works fine. I then try to detect analogue channels. This fails... same as last time I tried (tuner card is Hauppauge HVR2200). I basically have to cancel the tuning attempt.

I then setup MP client and go to MyTV. When I select channels, my audio has severe noise (ear piecing) constantly. I was using the MPA audio decoder. I quit MP and install the VMR 9 hotfix (which I forgot to do before I started MP) and restart my computer.

When the computer has restarted, I notice that the TV server hasn't started. I presume this is because the detection relies on a default named MySQL instance. I manually start it and load MP. When I get in and go to MyTV, I select the guide and try to pick a channel. Nothing happens. Try to check the "TV on" button and nothing happens. I try to quit MP and it is totally frozen now. When my computer locked itself after 15mins inactivity, I can finally access my desktop when I unlock it (CTRL-ALT-DEL had no effect on MP when it was frozen in fullscreen mode). I think the reason the timeout locking worked was because locking the computer minimised the MP app for me.

Anyway sorry for the loooong post but I wanted to give you as much info as I could. The logs should fill in the blanks. I should note, movie playback audio worked fine.

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Is this with a old mysql db, may be part of your problem, or did you delete it and restart from scratch.

    Noise could be a codec error, try filmerit.


    Portal Pro
    November 24, 2007
    Home Country
    It's a fresh MySQL install. I've never had a MySQL database on this system before I installed this one for my MP RC1 install, so it is an absolutely clean MySQL database. My previous database was SQL Server Express.

    I also have previously installed the DVB fix but I'll check to see if it has been properly applied.

    I'll try filmerit for the codec issue and get back to you.


    Portal Pro
    November 24, 2007
    Home Country
    Well I ran filmerit and it found some errors but it wanted to remove my X-Fi Prelude and items related to it. It prompted me to "remove the device" before deleting some codecs. Something doesn't sound right there!


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 26, 2004
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    Austria Austria
    you have a huge error.log which is about connection issues to the SQL-server.

    based on what i see in that log i would strongly recommend to do a clean installation and use the DeployTool to install all components (you installed MSSQL manually, right?).

    this means:
    1. uninstall MediaPortal TV-Server
    2. uninstall MediaPortal
    3. uninstall MS SQL-Server and all releated components
    4. DELETE the MS SQL-Server installation folder or you will run into troubles with the old db files during the next installstion
    5. run the 1.0RC1 installer and let it do all the required tasks for you :)


    Portal Pro
    November 24, 2007
    Home Country
    The huge error log for the SQL server connection issues was related to me independently installing it MySQL and when I configured it, I was blocking non-localhost connections. I didn't realise that the TV server config required a non-localhost address but I resolved it by reconfiguring the MySQL server so I'm having no problems connecting to the TV server now.

    Currently my client has hung again when I accessed the guide. I'm currently chasing it up to work out if it is the DVB bug in WinXP.

    EDIT: Just located a new driver for the card as well (New Magic Australia driver page - the Aus Hauppauge distributor) so I'll try installing that, check for IRQ conflicts and verify the DVB version in dxdiag.


    Portal Pro
    November 24, 2007
    Home Country
    Took me a little bit last night to get the DVB patch applied properly. I ended up disabling WFP and replacing the system32 dll files (as well as the dllcache ones). Also installed the new tuner drivers so tonight I'll give MP another go.


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 26, 2004
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    Austria Austria
    I ended up disabling WFP and replacing the system32 dll files (as well as the dllcache ones).

    just unzip to c:/dvbfix -> launch the bat -> reboot and you are done!

    messing around with the internals of windows will definitly not make your system more stable.....


    Portal Pro
    November 24, 2007
    Home Country
    I wanted to make sure the DVB fix was applied. I didn't know how to check if running the bat file had worked. Dxdiag still said it was using the old files so I did it that way.

    EDIT: I saw a thread saying that there were some problems with the EPG and DVB tuners. If that is a problem with RC1 then that might be the issue I'm encountering.

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