LogoManager [27-11-2022] (6 Viewers)


Portal Pro
August 30, 2009
Germany, Mayence
Home Country
Russian Federation Russian Federation
i know that in WPF there are several effects that can be useful. But we use WinForms here, not WPF!
What do you want to achieve? isn't it enough effects in plugin? or these are not good enough for you?

And - i aslo can google :p


Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 10, 2007
    France - IDF
    Home Country
    France France
    And - i aslo can google :p
    i'm not dev :p i know only is .Net and C# coding, nothing else :D
    i search the same effect of my logos " outer glow, with fading ( halo / glow / all name that you want :p ) effect transparency to background

    or these are not good enough for you?
    maybe is this issue. i want always the best ... ( it's quality and a defect, i know )
    i like your work, and your patience (y)


    Portal Pro
    August 30, 2009
    Germany, Mayence
    Home Country
    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    lates version attached here.
    added resize effect - i hope @azzuro will be happy. description here https://code.google.com/p/mediaportal-russian-logos/source/browse/trunk/LogosManager/LogosManager/designs/Modern 4x3 resized/design.settings
    		<!-- resize: resize logo image if necessary. Will be done in such way that whole logo should be visible in resulting image.
    					minX - minimal logo image width for that no resize will be taken;
    					maxX - maximal logo image width for that no resize will be taken;
    					resizedX - new width value that logo image will be scaled to, if (Minx <= image Width <= MaxX) == false;
    					MinY, MaxY, resizedY - same as above, but for image height;
    					MinXY, MaxXY, resizedXY - same as above but for any dimension (width or height);
    				It makes sense to use either set of (MinX + MaxX + resizedX + MinY + MaxY + resizedY) or (minXY + maxXY + resizedXY).
    		<effect enabled="yes" type="resize" minX="170" maxX="200" resizedX="190" minY="130" maxY="150" resizedY="140" />
    		<effect enabled="no" type="resize" minXY="160" maxXY="200" resizedXY="200" />
    You can test it with resized design "Modern 4x3 resized"


    • LogosManager.zip
      16.3 KB
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    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 10, 2007
    France - IDF
    Home Country
    France France
    the point insertion, is set on centered logo or in the corner ?

    your design setting is very good idea, and skin designer can create your own logo.
    we must only put a new design inside the folder, for have the design listed in plugins ?
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    Portal Pro
    August 30, 2009
    Germany, Mayence
    Home Country
    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    the point insertion, is set on centered logo or in the corner ?
    we must only put a new design inside the folder, for have the design listed in plugins ?
    yes. that "modern 4x3 resized", mentioned above, is already in our repository so you will get it automatically as soon as you start the plugin. But its design.settings file serves as template for all those people who want to play with logo effects (we have three now: glow, outerglow, resize, and you can apply all of them simultaneously).


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 10, 2007
    France - IDF
    Home Country
    France France
    FIne !! (y)
    but i can't test it, now ( @ work everyday ... )
    if you have kindness to send me ( on forum), a sample (at least for glow effect ). ( for 4/3 i think i can try it this evening )
    4/3 resizing can work also with transparent background, right ( is stupid question )


    Portal Pro
    August 30, 2009
    Germany, Mayence
    Home Country
    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    if you have kindness to send me ( on forum), a sample (at least for glow effect )
    just take the same example "modern 4x3 resized" and look in design.settings - take effect lines you want and enable them (set enabled="yes")

    4/3 resizing can work also with transparent background
    sure. resizing doesn't destroy alpha channel information.
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