LogoManager [27-11-2022] (13 Viewers)


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  • November 30, 2005
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    @Spragleknas just grab swedish logos since looks like you have many common ones :D

    It's basically the same logos for the danish logo package - Hopefully @hkjensen can help convert/create PNG repository.

    @Edalex - Any long term ideas for migrating this feature into Mepo by default? :) Is it an idea to add a logo repository mapping field to DVB-X tuning parameters XML? Or let the plugin by default make usage of default MePo language.

    Your current project is an improvement to the +20 logo packages - but it will only get us halfway? Developers still needs to maintain separate logo repositories, users needs your plugin & configuration is still needed - Maybe someone from the Dev-team can comment/help on this?

    Keep up the great work:)



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  • January 3, 2008
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    @hkjensen it will be cool to talk in pm or IRC since you have basically the same install scripts as @vuego did and I have some scripts to make proper LogoMapping for this case.
    @Edalex - Any long term ideas for migrating this feature into Mepo by default? Is it an idea to add a logo repository mapping field to DVB-X tuning parameters XML? Or let the plugin by default make usage of default MePo language.
    It is definetely qustion not for me but for @Team.
    BTW, on first run plugin is selecting logopack depending on coutnry you've setted in Windows Control Panel - Language Settings - Location. So it looks like it's an answer to your second question.
    Your current project is an improvement to the +20 logo packages - but it will only get us halfway? Developers still needs to maintain separate logo repositories, users needs your plugin & configuration is still needed
    Well, developers maitaining now mpei logopacks so I think there is not much difference to them.
    BTW, even Extension plugin (must have for every MP user) is not the part of teh mp default install. :(
    Personally, I think MP needs wizard setup and this plugin could be the part of it.
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    MP Donator
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  • November 30, 2005
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    England England
    Well, developers maitaining now mpei logopacks so I think there is not much difference to them.
    BTW, even Extension plugin (must have for every MP user) is not the part of teh mp default install. :(
    Personally, I think MP needs wizard setup and this plugin could be the part of it.

    So true - TV do need a wizard setup for first time users(with auto logo import from repo ;) ).

    I will follow the thread in the future for the forthcoming Danish support, and comments and ideas for a future migration.

    Keep it simple out there...... :whistle:



    Portal Pro
    November 9, 2008
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    Norway Norway
    Well look at this. I might give you a hand with the Norwegian repository later, but i only gave the first post a quick look now. Is there a smart way of generating the .xml (Cause it seems like a lot of work writing that for 2-300 channels). Is the (plans for) various resolution of the logos? I've been trying to keep mine as high as possible (up to 512x512), but sometimes 128 is the best i can do. 200 is not much on some skins/resolutions.

    The coolest feature (i think) would be if the Manager could just download all the logos for the channels in our channel lists, regardless of what country we're in. I suppose that could be possible, maybe with some help from the databases of Lyngsat. No pressure... :p


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  • January 3, 2008
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    Is there a smart way of generating the .xml (Cause it seems like a lot of work writing that for 2-300 channels).
    Yes, I have a little script for making xml from all png in selected folder. I think I need to clean it, compile exe and put it somewhere.

    Is the (plans for) various resolution of the logos? I've been trying to keep mine as high as possible (up to 512x512), but sometimes 128 is the best i can do. 200 is not much on some skins/resolutions.
    We'll stick to 200x200 I think. It was the size used by MPLogoCreator and it is using in many logo packs now.
    The coolest feature (i think) would be if the Manager could just download all the logos for the channels in our channel lists, regardless of what country we're in. I suppose that could be possible, maybe with some help from the databases of Lyngsat. No pressure... :p
    Still need to map filenames from i.e. Lyngsat to our channels names in TVServer. Also it will be many bugs since it is common to have dfferent channels with same name for different countries such as TV3, TV5 and so on. It could be possible to code downloading logos from all repositories known by plugin but not sure it will be good way :)


    Portal Pro
    November 9, 2008
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    Is there a smart way of generating the .xml (Cause it seems like a lot of work writing that for 2-300 channels).
    Yes, I have a little script for making xml from all png in selected folder. I think I need to clean it, compile exe and put it somewhere.
    Sounds good :)
    Is the (plans for) various resolution of the logos? I've been trying to keep mine as high as possible (up to 512x512), but sometimes 128 is the best i can do. 200 is not much on some skins/resolutions.
    We'll stick to 200x200 I think. It was the size used by MPLogoCreator and it is using in many logo packs now.
    Sounds like a lot of work, lol. I'll look into it.
    The coolest feature (i think) would be if the Manager could just download all the logos for the channels in our channel lists, regardless of what country we're in. I suppose that could be possible, maybe with some help from the databases of Lyngsat. No pressure... :p
    Still need to map filenames from i.e. Lyngsat to our channels names in TVServer. Also it will be many bugs since it is common to have dfferent channels with same name for different countries such as TV3, TV5 and so on. It could be possible to code downloading logos from all repositories known by plugin but not sure it will be good way :)

    AFAIK, the channels we tune in tv server are provided by the providers, such as Canal Digital, and are the exact same as LyngSat uses. I would also assume that there is possible to map a logo using the data of the Satellite, Provider and Channel name. I know there was a plugin for automatic download of logos from LyngSat back in the days, and i think that worked, even though they didn't look very good in MP...


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • January 3, 2008
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    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    AFAIK, the channels we tune in tv server are provided by the providers, such as Canal Digital, and are the exact same as LyngSat uses. I would also assume that there is possible to map a logo using the data of the Satellite, Provider and Channel name. I know there was a plugin for automatic download of logos from LyngSat back in the days, and i think that worked, even though they didn't look very good in MP...

    Here in Russia providers name channels as they want without any logic ;)


    Portal Pro
    November 9, 2008
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    Yes, but you still have Provider data to link to that channel, helping you pick the correct logo. Or am i not getting something here...


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • January 3, 2008
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    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    No idea about that. Maybe you need to ask someone with such knowings i.e. @mm1352000
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