[WiP] madVR support in MP1 (6 Viewers)


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    You are right it's maybe the max queue to 2 that trigger something, moving the mouse for example trigger Topbar2 layer.
    Well, in my setup top bar is disabled. If that helps... mpc-hc same behaviour.

    OK :)

    So let's see what the result is given with above core V1 to V4 :)

    My testing from yesterday,

    1) When i select an 3D mkv, Nvidia + VP take surely 5 to 7 seconds before getting the video (i can see some sort of blink) (the same happen with MPC-HC and/or if i manually switch 3D mode from WIN10 control panel).

    -For MP i need to delay the exclusive mode (option 3 seconds).

    2) When i stop the movie, it take maybe 5 secs before Windows revert to 2D, if i start directly the 3D mkv after VP is ready for 2D, it act like explain in 1)

    -I need to compare how windows get back to 2D after playing a 3D mkv under MPC-HC.

    But for sure, the delay i have when turning ON and OFF the 3D option in win10 control panel, is the same as it is happening in MP :) (Screen blink etc.)


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  • January 31, 2008
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    Trying something for GUILayer for max queue :)
    Ok here I go
    Not big differences on all

    Exclusive didn't checked as never failed yesterday.
    With no option selected in General settings (no windows overlay no exclusive)

    V1 - failed in 3d detection 50% of videos
    All properly detected needed mouse movement to go fine.

    V2 - worked for all videos and needed mouse movement to activate.

    V3- 3D detection worked on 80% of videos I get one blank screen and 20% no 3D detected (this can be seen in Madvr status (Ctrol J)

    V4 Worked on 80% videos and get one blank screen and 20% failed to detect 3d

    With Mad VR General setting on "enable Windowed overlay"
    V1 and 2 - 90% video 3D detection worked and needed mouse movement. 10 no 3D detection
    V3 - same but aditionally one blank screen

    V4 - 3D detection worked 100% but mouse movement was needed. (edit: after more test I found some blank screen here also. See madVr logs)


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  • January 31, 2008
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    @alexdepalma i dont remember where and when but i read that 3D vision from nvidia is breaking 3D in madvr.
    I dont have nvidia so i got no idea but could u try to uninstall 3d vision or disable it and test without it?

    I've deinstalled 3D vision driver and Controller. This way MVC packet frame mkv is played as side by side 3D. really weird.

    @daWooky Do you have Nvidia? Is 3D working fine to you? Is there any Driver version wich performs better than other?



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  • April 3, 2012
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    Yup, i have and use some nvidia. You definitely need the drivers to get real bl 3d stuff to work same with frame packed mad stuff (i use the latest).
    Haven't tried the recent madvr mepos but on older versions it was working similar like it was with mphc.
    The only nvidia exception i remember was on dual u must be on primary screen. 3d vision option in the gf.driver settings don't matter.


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  • March 19, 2009
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    Madvr doesn't even use NVIDIA 3D Vision to render ur 3D videos, it is using the windows 3D API.

    I will try to find the post Madshi had regarding 3D Vision breaking 3D in Madvr.


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  • April 3, 2012
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    yeah I know it's weird. First Nvidia offered some extra 3d vision stuff but that's not needed anymore. Don't tick it in the driver settings and ya should be god to go on ;)


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  • March 19, 2009
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    Greece Greece
    @alexdepalma i dont remember where and when but i read that 3D vision from nvidia is breaking 3D in madvr.
    I dont have nvidia so i got no idea but could u try to uninstall 3d vision or disable it and test without it?

    I've deinstalled 3D vision driver and Controller. This way MVC packet frame mkv is played as side by side 3D. really weird.

    @daWooky Do you have Nvidia? Is 3D working fine to you? Is there any Driver version wich performs better than other?


    This is good, now make sure ur projector is set as ur primary screen, also disable smooth motion in madvr and test a 3D file.

    I was reading yesterday some forums and apparently NVIDIA has issues with 3D when ur 3D Device is not set as primary.

    If i were u i would completely remove other monitors from the setup and leave only the projector, then make sure to reboot PC and check that windows report that now the projector is ur Primary Screen.

    After that make sure Madvr has 3D Set to AUTO under ur projector settings in madvr.

    Also make sure that ur Stereo 3d settings look like in the screenshot.


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    MP Donator
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  • January 31, 2008
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    Spain Spain
    @alexdepalma i dont remember where and when but i read that 3D vision from nvidia is breaking 3D in madvr.
    I dont have nvidia so i got no idea but could u try to uninstall 3d vision or disable it and test without it?

    I've deinstalled 3D vision driver and Controller. This way MVC packet frame mkv is played as side by side 3D. really weird.

    @daWooky Do you have Nvidia? Is 3D working fine to you? Is there any Driver version wich performs better than other?


    This is good, now make sure ur projector is set as ur primary screen, also disable smooth motion in madvr and test a 3D file.

    I was reading yesterday some forums and apparently NVIDIA has issues with 3D when ur 3D Device is not set as primary.

    If i were u i would completely remove other monitors from the setup and leave only the projector, then make sure to reboot PC and check that windows report that now the projector is ur Primary Screen.

    After that make sure Madvr has 3D Set to AUTO under ur projector settings in madvr.

    Also make sure that ur Stereo 3d settings look like in the screenshot.

    Yes the Primary thing also happens on Intel (there you have tearing on seconday monitir) so I set my Projector as primary and Tv as secondar. If projector goes of, then primary is TV (primary and only). That setup alows me to have everithing.

    I've a perfectly working MadVr 3D on both TV and Projector (exclusive). I'm just testing if any other configuration goes wrong To inform Sebastiii and look for a fix.
    Is any of you having same problems as me in MP with MadVr General settings with no option or "Enable Windowed overlay" enabled? This test for Nvidia Only. My intel HD4000 didnt suffer from thouse problems and always worked fine.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    I have a dual output on my side because the HDMI splitter (the one i have didn't work well) and my AVR is not HDMI 1.4.
    So i'm using both output of video card, projector (Primary) and AVR (secondary), it would be better to be able to have only one screen but the second output for AVR is detected as video device too.
    To be able to have the 3D switch from windows, i need to be in extend screen, if i set it as duplicate it doesn't work even if i play with some EDID change lol.

    But if i'm not wrong 3D vision is installed on my side.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    Maybe NVIDIA is buggy lol

    For sure from my last test V4 seems to works good but i need to delay exclusive.
    Otherwise without the 3S delay option, i can have the 3D working if i hit windows key to let something appear on screen the result is that exclusive is disable and i can see both image (left/right eye).

    But with V4, madVR will never run into latency mode and it mean MP UI will be not smooth.

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