[WiP] madVR support in MP1 (7 Viewers)


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    tried 114 patch on clients, tv evr seem to work and no mad errors till now .... hooray seb.:cool:
    but if evr is used for tv - should the mepo rate switch work?
    @alexdepalma thanks for all that 3d tests ya did i try some on next weekend btw. by chance i think imma saw your bug about always shift the image to the top or bottom on bug tracker: http://bugs.madshi.net/view.php?id=394 i was looking for some else http://bugs.madshi.net/view.php?id=410 we may should keep an eye on that. ^^

    cheers guys

    Yep it should be handled (refresh rate) :)


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France

    Regarding Nvidia 3D MVC investigation I have found the following (very interesting).
    MPC-HC never failed on 3D mvc video start regardless of LAV DXVA mode selected. Never failed but I discovered one estrange thing: moving the mouse (pointer presented on the screen) destroyed 3D image. Video continued in 2D. As soon as the mouse pointer is removed from the screen (because of inactivity) 3D mode returned properly. Funny isn't it.

    Going back to MP, I found that almost 100% of the times (almost...) Madvr detects 3D video DX11... bla, bla, properly but presents video in 2D.
    Here comes the nice thing. moving the mouse, a quick blink in 3D and... after disappearing mouse pointer, 3D back to screen normal. o_O

    So 3D works in Nvidia but its affected by something (layers?).:LOL:

    So IMO there is something wrong in the way info is presented.:confused:

    A deepest check of how the things go when 3D video is played in MP I found:
    3D video properly start (3D mode active on TV first).

    Do you mean that you already set 3D mode on Video (NVIDIA) or you are letting DX11 to switch to ON ? (my projector is in auto mode)

    Very briefly I can see Madvr status in 3D (less 1/4 second).
    Then blank screen (madvr status disapears) for 2 seconds, then video appears BUT in 2D.
    Finally I need to move mouse on screen and, voila!
    Normal 3D.:ROFLMAO:

    Tried on 114, and 109 Pre1.15 with LAV final 68.1 and git25
    I forgot 2 things.

    We have no 100% success just because if I play a 3D video after another 3D video, its highly probable to fail 3D mode (already described with intel HD4000 few days a go).
    You must wait for MP to release 3D mode.
    In MP-HC the release is only 1.5 secs. In MP the release is 6 secs. can we reduce this release time? Another discovery is that if video played without waiting for 3D mode release, it will be played in 2D (with madvr 3D active) and it can be recovered by manual activation of 3D in the TV. so the fact is that probably in this situation (wait time) 3D is lost because MP or Madvr sends a 2D mode to TV from previous video.

    About 1.5 vs 6 secs, i think it's because the diff C++ (MPC-HC) and C# (MP) about release C++ filter etc. i fear that i can do nothing :( In fact i think we get the best result, or it is something different but no clue for now.

    I can see quite same thing, the 3D video is played in 2D (directly) but VP is in 3D mode (higher brightness and it's like only one stream available (right or left i don't know)) no clue why and sometimes it works, i'm using Exclusive mode.

    In Exclusive mode, mouse movement doesn't affect a 3D and almost always 3D start properly.
    With MadVR "enable windowed overlay", 3D activation in TV and MadVr is very reliable (no 100%) but 3D will be presented in 2D untill mouse movement.
    D3D11 fullscreen windowed (3D) when no box click in Madvr General settings its the most failure friendly, even mouse movement will make madvr status in 3D but not the video.

    Thanks again

    Thanks for the testing :)[/QUOTE]


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    @alexdepalma :
    You are right it's maybe the max queue to 2 that trigger something, moving the mouse for example trigger Topbar2 layer.

    Will see if i can try to not handle smooth GUI/UI to let max queue to full value.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    I just did some test :)
    3D works if i disable exclusive but it is working now each time if i delay Exclusive mode for 3 secs.
    I was testing with V4 (Full queue at max and directly from start)



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  • January 31, 2008
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    Spain Spain
    Do you mean that you already set 3D mode on Video (NVIDIA) or you are letting DX11 to switch to ON ? (my projector is in auto mode)
    No. I leave madvr to automatically select 3D mode. It's auto detected by tv and projector.
    Last edited:


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  • January 31, 2008
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    About 1.5 vs 6 secs, i think it's because the diff C++ (MPC-HC) and C# (MP) about release C++ filter etc. i fear that i can do nothing :( In fact i think we get the best result, or it is something different but no clue for now.

    Maybe any kind of check, not to release 3D mode if already.requested to be ON for next video and stop the release timer? Looks like its in a buffer....


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  • March 19, 2009
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    @alexdepalma i dont remember where and when but i read that 3D vision from nvidia is breaking 3D in madvr.
    I dont have nvidia so i got no idea but could u try to uninstall 3d vision or disable it and test without it?

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