Make WebEPG running in a window (1 Viewer)

Mr. Bean

Portal Pro
June 21, 2005

I use the WebEPG to update the MP EPG. But how con I make it to recordnise it it working and ready? I only can see that it is working when I take a look at the Network-Port LED.

I install the WebEPG like this:

Dann kann die webEPG.exe gestartet werden.


Es öffnet sich KEIN Fenster. Es entsteht nur eine Datei, die TVguide-writing.xml. Wenn der Vorgang abgeschlossen ist, was je nach Verbindung und Menge der Kanäle und deren Beschreibungen zwischen 5 und 20 Minuten dauert, wird diese Datei wieder gelöscht und es bleibt die TVguide.xml.

Es öffnet sich KEIN Fenster. Es entsteht nur eine Datei

When I start the WebEPG.exe, there is no window. It will worke blind.

How can I make it visibly that it is working and how long it is working?


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  • May 6, 2005

    WebEPG is designed to be a background application, that most people have as a scheduled task. So it isn't meant to have any window.

    There are a few ways to see when WebEPG is working/finshed.

    1. WebEPG.exe is on the process list when its running
    2. TVguide-writing.xml is being written while its running, its renamed to tvguide.xml when its finished.


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