Manually transfer of Channel-Settings between different Servers (DVB-S2 HD problem) (1 Viewer)


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  • March 9, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    TV-Server Version: SVN (Rev21864)
    MediaPortal Skin: PureVision HDX
    Windows Version: WHS
    CPU Type: AMD 5050e
    Memory: 4GB
    Motherboard: ASUS M3A78-CM
    1. TV Card: FloppyDTV DVB-S2 CI

    I have troubles to find the Astra HD channels on 11914000MHz (Although DVBViewer is finding them easily on this machine). I get only the "no signal" message

    On an other machine I successfully established the setup for the FloppyDTV
    Is there a possibility to retrieve the settings from the one DB and transfer them manually to the other DB?

    If yes, is there some guide available what tools are required and how can this been accomplished?

    After several hours of running the whole channel search, reinstall, etc. I feel myself running in circles.

    Added the logfiles of the TV-Server in case it might help to pinpoit why the channels are not detected.

    Hope somebody can help me.



    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • March 9, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Tried to change some of the found "spare" channels in the channel list.

    Seems like a more fundamental problem, as I still get a "no signal" message when trying to play the channel. All other DVB-S channels are working, though

    Now I am out of options.

    Maybe somebody else can help me out.


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