mc2xml and XmlTv no data available after Tuesday (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
September 28, 2012
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United States of America United States of America
mc2xml and XmlTv have been working flawlessly for months, however there has been no new data, and after this coming Tuesday afternoon, my guide is empty. ("no data available") Is anyone else having this problem? Is there some reason it would have stopped working after upgrading to 1.3.0? I have manually run XmlTv and I see that is running on its scheduled time daily, but ... no data.


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hello Jeep725

    First thing to check is the source: does the XMLTV file have any data in it?
    You can open XML files in any text editor. Word, notepad, notepad++, wordpad...



    Portal Member
    September 28, 2012
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    United States of America United States of America
    Yes, the XMLTV file has the data only until 2013.06.17 valid as of 2 am last evening when mc2xml last ran ... which makes me think the content provider has not provided any updates? I don't relish the thought of trying to find a new content provider!! I am in the US and watch OTA programming... but I am surprised if no one else is having this problem?


    Portal Member
    September 28, 2012
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    United States of America United States of America
    I have walked through these steps:

    deleted mc2xml.dat file, deleted tvguide.xml file, and created a new .dtd file and ran mc2xml.exe, got new tvguide.xml file and 14 days of data IS there. Did a force import through tv server config> xmltv plugin, new data is still not showing up in guide. Guide data showing up through Monday evening at 8 pm, then nothing.

    I'm going to try the import again, reboot, etc etc and see what happens. Maybe I need to look at the channel mappings, although not sure how this would just *stop* working when it has been completely automated until now! I will also come back and post logs if all else fails.


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  • September 1, 2008
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    If anything post the XML file itself. Then we can try to reproduce the problem.


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  • December 20, 2011
    SillyValley CA
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    my mc2xml last ran this morning, June 16 for Digital Terrestrial Lineup in the SF Bay area. Checked my MePo TV Guide and I have EPG data until June 28. This is the typical 2 weeks or so of data. You might want to look at your TV Server tv.log file to see if data is getting imported.


    Portal Member
    September 28, 2012
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    Refreshed my channel mappings in XMLTV and they were in the red. Re-mapped, saved, refresh....force import tvguide.xml, and it is back in business!

    Not sure what happened, something when I updated 1.3.0 possibly? Something changed with the plugin? Don't know, but perhaps it will help someone else in the future.

    Case closed :)


    Portal Member
    September 28, 2012
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    Well here it is a week later and I find that my guide data is messed up again. So while I know how to resolve it, I am not sure what the glitch is that I need to re-map my channels every week in the XMLTV plugin.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    If I were you I'd save the XML files if/when the guide is messed up. Compare the channel IDs and you may find they're changing. This would cause the XMLTV plugin to "lose" the mappings...

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