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Bought myself another Scaleo C this week, used but with working water cooling, the last one i had to mod with fan cooling. A Scaleo C remote was also included but unfortunately it's broken, crack in the PCB.

But now on this one i installed MP I have tried all different versions of the plugin in this tread but all i can get to work is the volume display on the panel. Also, if i enable General HID device under Remotes it hangs the display totally. A restart is needed to get it to work again. I need General HID to get the front panel buttons to work.

EDIT: OK, now after some tweaking I've got the display to show stuff under Videos and DVD, I don't know about TV yet since I cant connect to my TV-Server with

But under music nothin, except for If i go there from Videos, then it shows the time but with the video symbol.

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