MediaPortal 2 Weekly snapshot (2016-05-08) (1 Viewer)


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  • August 1, 2006
    Neustadt am Rbge.
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    Äh.....wo ist Titanum geblieben ? Ich habe als Skin jetzt nur noch den Default und BlueVision zur Auswahl,habe ich was verpasst ?


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 17, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    habe ich was verpasst ?
    Ja, das erste Posting auch tatsächlich zu lesen.;)
    Removed "Titanium" skin, added "Titanium Extended" theme

    Titanium ist völlig veraltet und unterstützt viele der neueren Features von MP2 nicht mehr und sollte darum auch nicht mehr genutzt werden. Deswegen ist er aus dem Installer entfernt worden. Um dennoch ein ganz ähnliches "Look and Feel" zu bekommen, ist jetzt Titanium Extended dabei, ein Theme für BlueVision, das optisch sehr an Titanium angelehnt ist, aber alle neuen Features unterstützt.


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  • December 17, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    Lets get back to English as this is the international part of the forum...
    After using this build for some days, I have to say, it is not that stable as I expect MP2 to be. Especially the TV part is unreliable. Scheduled recordings are not started at all or starts with a huge delay or stops long before it should stop. It's only a guess, but at least 50% of my schedules has not worked successfully... Never had such issues before.

    Aside this the issue with not showing menu items happens much more often as I know it from previous versions. And I already had two BSOD this week, one has trashed my Database. More in this week than I ever had before the whole time I'm using this system.

    Also the "remote filtering" really is a nice feature I will go back to Spring16 for now as this is expected to be much more reliable... I will observe it and report if my issues are gone with the Spring16 release and see if they are really related to this build.


    Portal Pro
    September 16, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    After updating to this one, I have the problem, that if I stop playing a video, the connection from the client to the server is lost.
    After restarting MP client, everything is normal again until I stop playing a video again.
    This did not happen in the previous versions.
    Could anyone help please?


    Lead Design MP2
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 11, 2014
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    After updating to this one, I have the problem, that if I stop playing a video, the connection from the client to the server is lost.
    After restarting MP client, everything is normal again until I stop playing a video again.
    This did not happen in the previous versions.
    Could anyone help please?
    Logs please. Shortcut for that is on desktop.

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