MediaPortal SVN-Snapshot:-10-02-2008 19-45h - Revision:20372.rar (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
March 9, 2008
Could some developer also look into the (tiny) problem, that with this svn there are no asian characters displayed in the directorys (MyMusic, MyVideos...)?

With the svn from 23.09. there are no problems. Filenames with asian characters are just "empty".


  • MyMusic-noasiancharacters.jpg
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  • November 24, 2007
    Italy, North West
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    Is it scheduled in a svn rc3 version or beyond an experimental implentation of Haali renderer? :D

    No problem . for me. I use Evr under Vista. It work fine. Also with new reclock. Have you tried it?
    It work well with Media Portal. Allow to run smooth a 24p material under 50 HZ. tv or monitor (also 25 fps material under 24P compliant monitor). Also with recoded ac3 stream.
    But MP+Reclock sometimes start the filtergraph with a jerky playback. Often a stop and replay or pause/replay solve the issue. I've the 6-9 svn version. I'll try the last 2-10 svn. Is it possible to understand this jerky play using the MP log file? :D


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 7, 2005
    Is it scheduled in a svn rc3 version or beyond an experimental implentation of Haali renderer? :D

    No problem . for me. I use Evr under Vista. It work fine. Also with new reclock. Have you tried it?
    It work well with Media Portal. Allow to run smooth a 24p material under 50 HZ. tv or monitor (also 25 fps material under 24P compliant monitor). Also with recoded ac3 stream.
    But MP+Reclock sometimes start the filtergraph with a jerky playback. Often a stop and replay or pause/replay solve the issue. I've the 6-9 svn version. I'll try the last 2-10 svn. Is it possible to understand this jerky play using the MP log file? :D

    Log file wont probably tell anything related to jerky playback. Would be more interesting to see what happens inside reclock (of cource thats not possible currently as it closed source).

    About the Haali renderer. It wouldnt be just adding one renderer selection more to some drop down box. If you check the forums how long it has been taking to get EVR working properly you'll see how much work it requires.


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  • November 24, 2007
    Italy, North West
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    No problem . for me. I use Evr under Vista. It work fine. Also with new reclock. Have you tried it?
    It work well with Media Portal. Allow to run smooth a 24p material under 50 HZ. tv or monitor (also 25 fps material under 24P compliant monitor). Also with recoded ac3 stream.
    But MP+Reclock sometimes start the filtergraph with a jerky playback. Often a stop and replay or pause/replay solve the issue. I've the 6-9 svn version. I'll try the last 2-10 svn. Is it possible to understand this jerky play using the MP log file? :D
    Log file wont probably tell anything related to jerky playback. Would be more interesting to see what happens inside reclock (of cource thats not possible currently as it closed source).
    About the Haali renderer. It wouldnt be just adding one renderer selection more to some drop down box. If you check the forums how long it has been taking to get EVR working properly you'll see how much work it requires.

    Wise decision for Haali. I'm a developer so I know how much dangerous can be a new feature... :D
    For the random jerky play probably it's a Media Portal issue I guess because the same filtergraph on the same plasma tv MPC-HC do not have this problem.


    Portal Pro
    July 29, 2007
    @nschoot from this build you have to enable cam, maybe that's you're problem? have a look here:

    @tester2k7 & robyf does it make any difference if you also check the "prefer audiotype over language" setting?

    Thanks, enabling the cam did the trick indeed. But I have more good news.

    Whatever was causing the lockup-on-resume of MP for me, has been fixed. This means I could switch off the "Reinitialize tuner on resume" checkbox in the PowerScheduler plugin. It turns out that this checkbox probably caused the PowerScheduler plugin to stop working properly after resuming. (in other words: the powerscheduler plugin seems to stop working properly after it has reinitialized the TV Server on resume.).

    Not needing to reinit my tuner anymore, means I have no more errors after resuming, so my problem has been solved, although there may still be a problem in MP.


    Portal Pro
    August 3, 2006
    TV Server DB check

    I think there's really a need for a DB check at the startup of tvservice.

    It did not start correctly here, and i was not able to find out why.
    The tvservice was started, but the configuration program somtimes noticed that the service is not started.

    After trying install different versions of the SVN i noticed that the error in the tvserver error log:
    The columns preload, CAM in table Card do not exist.

    Maybe it would save lots of time to others to check if all the colums are present or add a version string somewhere in the database.


    Portal Pro
    March 28, 2008
    Agreed. It would be nice to have a database compatibility check at startup or as the last part of the install or something.


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  • November 24, 2007
    Italy, North West
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    About jerky playback under Vista and Evr I've tried to switch Aero ON. it was off because I've always got jerk playback /stuttering (with or without
    reclock is not related). I've two monitor . the pc monitor on dvi-vga , a 19" Asus 1440x900 75HZ. the plasma panasonic 37" connected via hdmi dongle (on yellow dvi port)
    the monitors are in extend desktop mode.
    tried with an mvk 720p 25 fps (so the monitors refresh match both). MP on the plasma (the secondary) I got random stuttering / jerky play. I switch the plasma as first monitor . the problems gone. work fine. I've 8.8 catalyst. this is a big issue because the tv can't be the main monitor.
    I've tried MPC-HC on 2^ monitor seems work fine (evr and same filtergraph).
    Is it possibile that issue is MP related?

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