Area: Media Portal Program
MP Version: 0.1.3
Skin: bluetwo
Windows Version: XP2
CPU Type: AMD semperon 2200+
Memory: 512 ddr
Motherboard Chipset: via km266a-8235
Video Card: abit r9200se-dt
Video Card Driver: ati2mtag.sys
Video Card Resolution: 1144x644
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: cyberlink, dscaler, intervideo
Audio Codec Type & Version: cyberlink, dscaler, intervideo
TV Card: pvr-150mce
TV Card Type: hardware
TV Card Driver: cmuda.sys
Synopsis: I am well aware of the memory leak with overlay, but no matter what settings I change the memory starts climbing immdeately after pressing pause and nothing brings it down. I haven't seen the memory leak assoicated anywhere else besides overlay so what else could the problem be? I believe I have a fairly typical setup and everything else works fine, but after leaving it paused I can bring the movie back. It will stutter ever few mintues, but otherwise works fine. If I try to go back to the main screen everything is black. I can still operate it with the MCE remote, but all screens are black. shutting media portal down and bringing it back dumps all the used memory and it's back to working normal. this is my last little issue before I put it in full time use at my house so please help.
MP Version: 0.1.3
Skin: bluetwo
Windows Version: XP2
CPU Type: AMD semperon 2200+
Memory: 512 ddr
Motherboard Chipset: via km266a-8235
Video Card: abit r9200se-dt
Video Card Driver: ati2mtag.sys
Video Card Resolution: 1144x644
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: cyberlink, dscaler, intervideo
Audio Codec Type & Version: cyberlink, dscaler, intervideo
TV Card: pvr-150mce
TV Card Type: hardware
TV Card Driver: cmuda.sys
Synopsis: I am well aware of the memory leak with overlay, but no matter what settings I change the memory starts climbing immdeately after pressing pause and nothing brings it down. I haven't seen the memory leak assoicated anywhere else besides overlay so what else could the problem be? I believe I have a fairly typical setup and everything else works fine, but after leaving it paused I can bring the movie back. It will stutter ever few mintues, but otherwise works fine. If I try to go back to the main screen everything is black. I can still operate it with the MCE remote, but all screens are black. shutting media portal down and bringing it back dumps all the used memory and it's back to working normal. this is my last little issue before I put it in full time use at my house so please help.