Missing bottom information, because overscan (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
October 29, 2007
First of all I love this skin! thanks a lot for creating it!

And my question and I really hope someone can help me. I have a plasma screen and had to enable overscan in order to make use of the whole screen. I Windows I miss about the half of the taskbar, which is no problem. But with this skin during movie playback when I press the info button, the below infobar is difficult to see, sometimes it isn't possible to see the time information.

What file or files should I adjust to move this information some pixels higher up?

Hope someone can help! :)


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  • July 27, 2007
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    You can use the internal settings menu to compensate for the overscan (settings -> screen setup -> screen calib (or ui calibration))
    I had to do this on my plasma too!


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  • April 6, 2008
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    i have the same problem.. the overscan correction solves this for the normal OSD views but when you press pause for example the OSD shown isn't using these compensated values and still falls off the screen for a part.


    Portal Member
    October 29, 2007
    Also when just adjusting the OSD offset, it will result in two OSD's, one with the original offset and the other with the adjusted offset..

    Oh well, I can live with it, but will keep an eye on this topic if someone finds a solution :)


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  • April 3, 2009
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    i too was battling overscan with the intel chipset and gave up..... whats worse is that i had the G45 chipset which intel is marketing for HTPCs but it has absolutely no overscan adjustment support...:mad:

    the only way with intel is to use powerstripe (which is a pain in the ass), and a registry hack which is also a pain in the ass....

    so i got a Asus ATi 4550 card and with its catalyst program got full 1080p with out the overscan... the card was only like $40....

    edit: oh yeah and i just watched my 1st BlueRay movie this weekend on my HTPC and the display was flawless... absolutely no issues..


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  • April 3, 2009
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    i had the latest driver and really didnt do anything...

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